BeschreibungDionys Baeriswyl (1944-2023) at the International Institute of Physics in Natal, Brazil.jpg
English: The picture represents Dionys Baeriswyl sitting at his desk at the International Institute of Physics (IIP) in Natal, Brazil (
Deutsch: Das Bild zeigt Dionys Baeriswyl in seinem Büro am International Institute of Physics (IIP) in Natal, Brasilien (
Deutsch: Cette photographie montre Dionya Baeriswyl dans son bureau à l'Institut International de physique (IIP) à Natal, au Brésil (
Dionys Baeriswyl served on the International Advisory Council (IAC) of the International Institute of Physics (IIP) in Natal, Brazil, for six years beginning with its creation in 2009. The IAC provided the academic leadership of the IIP, guiding all the academic programs, new hirings of research leaders, and the development of new research areas. At the IIP, Baeriswyl was also directly involved in the organization of several memorable scientific meetings in condensed matter physics and related topics. After leaving the board, he became an IIP Distinguished Professor and is well known to several generations of students and postdoctoral associates for his inspiring talks and numerous contributions to their research seminars. The many months he stayed in Natal were cherished by all thanks to his high spirits, his critical views of physics and life in general, and his never ending optimism and generosity.
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