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Datei:NZ opinion polls 2014-2017-majorparties.png

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NZ_opinion_polls_2014-2017-majorparties.png(778 × 487 Pixel, Dateigröße: 13 KB, MIME-Typ: image/png)

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English: Graph showing support for political parties in New Zealand since the 2014 election, according to various political polls. Data is obtained from the Wikipedia page, Opinion polling for the Next New Zealand general election
Quelle Eigenes Werk based on very very lightly modified R Code from File:NZ_opinion_polls_2011-2014-majorparties.png
Urheber Limegreen

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Dieses Chart wurde mit R erstellt.

Figure is produced using the R statistical package, using the following code. It first reads the HTML directly from the website, then parses the data and saves the graph into your working directory. It should be able to be run directly by anyone with R.


#Parameters - specified as a list
opts <- list()
opts$major <- list(parties= c("Green","Labour","National","NZ First"),   #use precise names from Table headers
                   ylims = c(0,65),   #Vertical range
                   fname= "NZ_opinion_polls_2014-2017-majorparties.png",
                   dp=0)  #Number of decimal places to round estimates to
opts$minor <- list(parties=c("ACT","Maori","United","Mana","Con", "TOP"   #please use "Maori" for the Maori party
                   ylims = c(0,6),   #Vertical range
                   fname = "NZ_opinion_polls_2014-2017-minorparties.png",
                   dp=1) #Number of decimal places to round estimates to

#Shouldn't need to edit anything below here

#Load the complete HTML file into memory
html <- readLines(url("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_New_Zealand_general_election,_2017",encoding="UTF-8"))

# html <- read_html("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_New_Zealand_general_election",encoding="UTF-8")

#Extract the opinion poll data table
tbl.no <- 1
tbl <- html[(grep("<table.*",html)[tbl.no]):(grep("</table.*",html)[tbl.no])]

#Now split it into the rows, based on the <tr> tag
tbl.rows <- list()
open.tr <- grep("<tr",tbl)
close.tr <- grep("</tr",tbl)
for(i in 1:length(open.tr)) tbl.rows[[i]] <- tbl[open.tr[i]:close.tr[i]]

#Extract table headers
hdrs <- grep("<th",tbl,value=TRUE)
hdrs <- hdrs[1:(length(hdrs)/2 -10)]
party.names <- gsub("<.*?>","",hdrs)[-c(1:2)] %>% #nasty hack
  gsub(" ","_",.) %>% #Replace space with a _ 
  gsub("M.{1}ori","Maori",.) #Apologies, but the hard "a" is too hard to handle otherwise
# party.cols   <- gsub("^.*bgcolor=\"(.*?)\".*$","\\1",hdrs)[-c(1:2)]
party.cols <- c("#00529F", "#D82A20", "#098137", "#000000", "#EF4A42",
                "#FDE401", "#501557", "#00AEEF", "#770808", "#151A61")
names(party.cols) <- party.names

#Extract data rows
tbl.rows <- tbl.rows[sapply(tbl.rows,function(x) length(grep("<td",x)))>1]

#party.names <- party.names[1:9]

#Now extract the data
survey.dat <- lapply(tbl.rows,function(x) {
  #Start by only considering where we have <td> tags
  td.tags <- x[grep("<td",x)]
  #Polling data appears in columns other than first two
  dat     <- td.tags[-c(1,2)]
  #Now strip the data and covert to numeric format
  dat     <- gsub("<td>|</td>|<b>|</b>|<td style=|background:#[0-9A-Z]{6}","",dat)
  dat     <- gsub("\"", "", dat)
  dat     <- gsub("%","",dat)
  dat     <- gsub("-","0",dat)
  dat     <- gsub("<|>","",dat)
  dat     <- as.numeric(dat)
  if(length(dat)!=length(party.names)) {
    stop(sprintf("Survey data is not defined properly: %s",td.tags[1]))
  names(dat) <- party.names
  #Getting the date strings is a little harder. Start by tidying up the dates
  date.str <- td.tags[2]                        #Dates are in the second column
  date.str <- gsub("<sup.*</sup>","",date.str)   #Throw out anything between superscript tags, as its an reference to the source
  date.str <- gsub("<td>|</td>","",date.str)  #Throw out any tags
  #Get numeric parts of string
  digits.str <- gsub("[^0123456789]"," ",date.str)
  digits.str <- gsub("^ +","",digits.str)    #Drop leading whitespace
  digits     <- strsplit(digits.str," +")[[1]]
  yrs        <- grep("[0-9]{4}",digits,value=TRUE)
  days       <- digits[!digits%in%yrs]
  #Get months
  month.str <- gsub("[^A-Z,a-z]"," ",date.str)
  month.str <- gsub("^ +","",month.str)        #Drop leading whitespace
  mnths     <- strsplit(month.str," +",month.str)[[1]]
  #Now paste together to make standardised date strings
  days  <- rep(days,length.out=2)
  mnths <- rep(mnths,length.out=2)
  yrs <- rep(yrs,length.out=2)
  dates.std <- paste(days,mnths,yrs)
  #And finally the survey time
  survey.time <- mean(as.POSIXct(strptime(dates.std,format="%d %B %Y")))
  #Get the name of the survey company too
  survey.comp <- td.tags[1]
  survey.comp <- gsub("<sup.*</sup>","",survey.comp)
  survey.comp <- gsub("<td>|</td>","",survey.comp)
  survey.comp <- gsub("<U+2013>","-",survey.comp,fixed=TRUE)
  survey.comp <- gsub("(?U)<.*>","",survey.comp,perl=TRUE)
  survey.comp <- gsub("^ +| +$","",survey.comp)
  survey.comp <- gsub("-+"," ",survey.comp)
  #And now return results

#Combine results
surveys <- do.call(rbind,survey.dat)

##ugly date fix
surveys[26, 2] <- "2015-10-06 00:00:00"
surveys[29, 2] <- "2015-11-15 00:00:00"

#Ugly fix to remove Opportunities party while not enough data
# surveys <- select(surveys, -TOP)

#Now generate each plot

smoothers  <- list()
for(opt in opts) {
  #Restrict data to selected parties
  selected.parties <- gsub(" ","_",sort(opt$parties))
  selected.cols <- party.cols[selected.parties]
  plt.dat   <- surveys[,c("Company","Date",selected.parties)]
  plt.dat <- subset(plt.dat,!is.na(surveys$Date))
  plt.dat <- plt.dat[order(plt.dat$Date),]
  plt.dat$date.num  <- as.double(plt.dat$Date)
  plt.dat <- subset(plt.dat,Company!="2008 election result")
  plt.dat$Company <- factor(plt.dat$Company)
  #Setup plot
  ticks <- ISOdate(c(rep(2014,1),rep(2015,2),rep(2016,2),rep(2017,2),2018),c(rep(c(7,1),4)),1)
  xlims <- range(c(ISOdate(2014,11,1),ticks))
  matplot(plt.dat$date.num,plt.dat[,selected.parties],pch=NA,xlim=xlims,ylab="Party support (%)",
  axis(1,at=as.double(ticks),labels=format(ticks,format="1 %b\n%Y"),cex.axis=0.8)
  smoothed <- list()
  predict.x <- seq(min(surveys$Date),max(surveys$Date),length.out=100)
  for(i in 1:length(selected.parties)) {
    smoother <- loess(surveys[,selected.parties[i]] ~ as.numeric(surveys[,"Date"]),span=0.35)
    smoothed[[i]] <- predict(smoother,newdata=predict.x,se=TRUE)
  names(smoothed) <- selected.parties
  #Then add the data points
  matpoints(surveys$Date, surveys[,selected.parties],pch=20,col=selected.cols)
  #And finally the smoothers themselves
  for(i in 1:length(selected.parties)) {
  # #Then add the data points
  # matpoints(plt.dat$date.num,plt.dat[,selected.parties],pch=20,col=selected.cols)
  # #And finally the smoothers themselves
  # for(n in selected.parties) {
  #   lines(smoothed.l[[n]]$date,smoothed.l[[n]]$fit,col=selected.cols[n],lwd=2)
  # }
  n.parties <- length(selected.parties)
         legend=gsub("_"," ",selected.parties), col=selected.cols,
  #Add best estimates
  fmt.str <- sprintf("%%2.%if\261%%1.%if %%%%",opt$dp,opt$dp)
  for(n in names(smoothed)) {
    lbl <- sprintf(fmt.str,




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(neueste | älteste) Zeige (jüngere 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell23:06, 21. Sep. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:06, 21. Sep. 2017778 × 487 (13 KB)Limegreenadd latest polls, and also changed span to .24 to make the curve more responsive to recent volatility
02:08, 17. Sep. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 02:08, 17. Sep. 2017778 × 487 (12 KB)Limegreensome new polls
11:24, 14. Sep. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 11:24, 14. Sep. 2017778 × 487 (12 KB)Limegreenadd colmar brunton
10:50, 12. Sep. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 10:50, 12. Sep. 2017778 × 487 (12 KB)Limegreenadd latest newshub
03:30, 11. Sep. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 03:30, 11. Sep. 2017778 × 487 (12 KB)LimegreenSwitched to loess (span = .35) smoother, and added recent polls
15:46, 28. Aug. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:46, 28. Aug. 2017778 × 487 (11 KB)Limegreenadd new polls
13:48, 11. Aug. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:48, 11. Aug. 2017778 × 487 (11 KB)Limegreenadd new polls
00:23, 1. Aug. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:23, 1. Aug. 2017778 × 487 (11 KB)LimegreenAdd Newshub Reid Research
00:56, 31. Jul. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:56, 31. Jul. 2017778 × 487 (11 KB)Limegreenadd new colmar brunton poll. Also set k to 5 so that it matches the minor party figure.
12:36, 15. Jul. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 12:36, 15. Jul. 2017778 × 487 (11 KB)Limegreenadd 2 new polls
(neueste | älteste) Zeige (jüngere 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

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