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Seit 1996 in Australien und mein Deutsch wird langsam rostig.

Ingenieur Betriebstechnik B80a TGM Wien. Seit 2004 Medizin – Selbststudium


Since 1996 in Australia and my German is getting rusty.

Indusrial Management Engineer B80a TGM Vienna. Since 2004 Medicine – Selfeducation

English Reading List – Science, Medicine & History If a book is not on the list please do not assume that I have not read it ;)

Book Title 1.Name Author / ed. by Topic 1 Topic 2 Comment Links
The Cambridge History of Medicine Roy Porther History Medicine 1RD, 3RD
History of Medicine I – Primitive and Archaic Medicine (Mesopotamia, Egypt) Henry S. Sigerist History Medicine 1RD, 3RD
History of Medicine II – Early Greek, Hindu and Persian Medicine Henry S. Sigerist History Medicine 1RD, 3RD
Archaeology of Disease Charlotte Roberts Keith Manchester History Medicine 2RD, 3RD
Eat to Live Joel Fuhrman Medicine 1RD, 4RD
The autoimmune solution Amy Myers Medicine 1RD, 4RD
Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon Medicine 1RD, 4RD amazon
GAPS – Gut and Psychology Syndrome –Diet Natasha Campbell, MD Medicine 1RD, 4RD
Put your Heart in Your Mouth Natasha Campbell, MD Medicine 1RD, 4RD
The Viva Mayr Diet Harald Stossier Helena Frith Powell Medicine 2RD, 4RD []
Food in History Reay Tannahill History 1RD, 3RD amazon
Sex in History Reay Tannahill History 1RD, 3RD amazon
Greece at the time of Pericles Robert Flaceliere History 1RD,
Awakening the mind Dalai Lama Medicine 1RD,
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Sogyal Rinpoche Medicine 1RD, 8RD zamstore goodreads
The Tibetan Art of Living Christopher Hansard Bsp Bsp 1RD Bsp
How to Overcome Depression Sogyal Rinpoche Medicine 1RD, 8RD
It could be Allergy and it can be cured Phillip Alexander Medicine 1RD, 3RD
Clean Gut Alejandro Junger Medicine 1RD, 4RD
E Numbers Stefan Gates Medicine 1RD,
The Jigsaw Man Paul Britton Medicine 1RD, worldofbooks
The Manipulated Man Esther Vilar Medicine 2RD,
Don't say YES when you want to say NO Herbert Fensterheim Medicine 1RD,
The Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck‎ Medicine 2RD, booktopia
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Bessel van der Kolk Medicine 2RD, amazon
In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness Peter A. Levine Medicine 2RD amazon
DAU (~pain) Ed Dodge Medicine 1RD goodreads
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M. Pirsig Medicine 1RD
The Art of War – Sun Tsu Thomas Cleary History 1RD
The Science of Discworld 1-4 Terry Pratchett Science 1RD, 2RD
Drink Ann Dowsett Johnston Medicine 1RD, 7RD
Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous Medicine 1RD, 7RD free full text:


Cancer can be cured Father Romano Zago Medicine 1RD,
Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond History 1RD, en.wikipedia
Gunpowder Jack Kelly History 1RD,
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660-1783 Alfred Thayer Mahan History 2RD,
The Naked Ape Desmond Morris Medicine 1RD, 3RD
Modern Essentials Essential Oils Handbook Aromatools Medicine 1RD
Myths and Legends of India Donald A. Mackenzie History 1RD
LINKED: Science Of Networks Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Science Medicine 1RD, 3RD, 4RD amazon
Defining moments in Science Science 1RD
The racist Mind Raphael S. Ezekiel History 1RD
Boudica Graham Webster History 1RD
Bsp Bsp Bsp Bsp Bsp 1RD Bsp
Book Title 1.Name Author Topic 1 Topic 2 Comment Links