Benutzer:LinStattWin/Meena Keshwar Kamal

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Meena (1956–1987), Gründerin von RAWA

Meena Keshwar Kamal (Pashto/Persian: مینا کشور کمال), allgemein bekannt als Meena, (February 27, 1956February 4, 1987) war eine Afghan Feministin (Frauenrechtlerin) und Menschenrechtsaktivistin. Sie gründete 1977 die Revolutionäre Vereinigung der Frauen Afghanistans RAWA, eine Vereinigung, die sich für Gleichberechtigung und Bildung für Frauen engagiert.

In 1979, she campaigned against what she perceived as a Russian puppet state controlling Afghanistan, and organized meetings in schools to mobilize support against it, and in 1981, she launched a bilingual feminist magazine, Payam-e-Zan (Women's Message) [1]. She also founded Watan Schools to aid refugee children and their mothers, offering both hospitalization and the teaching of practical skills.

Auf Einladung der französischen Regierung vertrat Meena Ende 1981 die Afghanische Widerstandsbewegung auf dem Parteitag der französischen Sozialisten. Nachdem sie dort das Siegeszeichen (Victory) zeigte und ihr daraufhin von Teilnehmern zugejubelt wurde, verließ die Sowjetische Delegation unter Führung von Boris Ponamaryev die Tagungshalle.

At the end of 1981, by invitation of the French Government Meena represented the Afghan resistance movement at the French Socialist Party Congress. The Soviet delegation at the Congress, headed by Boris Ponamaryev, left the hall as participants cheered when Meena started waving a victory sign. [2]

She was assassinated in Quetta, Pakistan on February 4, 1987. Reports vary as to who the assassins were, but are believed to have been agents of KHAD, the Afghan secret police, or of fundamentalist Mujahideen leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. [3]

Kamal was married to Afghanistan Liberation Organization leader Faiz Ahmad, who himself was murdered by agents of Hekmatyar on November 12, 1986. She also has three children whose whereabouts are unknown.

Time Magazine on Nov.13, 2006, in a special issue included Meena among "60 Asian Heroes" and wrote: "Although she was only 30 when she died, Meena had already planted the seeds of an Afghan women's rights movement based on the power of knowledge." [4]

RAWA says about her: "Meena gave 12 years of her short but brilliant life to struggle for her homeland and her people. She had a strong belief that despite the darkness of illiteracy, ignorance of fundamentalism, and corruption and decadence of sell outs imposed on our women under the name of freedom and equality, finally that half of population will be awaken and cross the path towards freedom, democracy and women's rights. The enemy was rightly shivering with fear by the love and respect that Meena was creating within the hearts of our people. They knew that within the fire of her fights all the enemies of freedom, democracy and women would be turned to ashes."[2]

An enduring quote from Meena states: Vorlage:Cquote

Further reading

[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • Meena - Heroine of Afghanistan, a book by Melody Ermachild Chavis about Meena's life and struggle: ISBN 0-312-30689-X.
  1. پیام زن، نشریه جمعیت انقلابی زنان افغانستان - راوا
  2. a b Biography of Martyred Meena, RAWA's founding leader
  3. BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Afghan activist's killers hanged
  4. TIME Magazine | 60 Years of Asian Heroes: Meena

{{DEFAULTSORT:Kishwarkamel, Meena}} [[Category:1956 births]] [[Category:1987 deaths]] [[Category:Afghan activists]] [[Category:Afghan communists]] [[Category:Afghan feminists]] [[Category:Afghan Muslims]] [[Category:Afghan people murdered abroad]] [[Category:Assassinated activists]] [[Category:Assassinated Afghan people]] [[Category:Civil rights activists]] [[Category:Islamic feminists]] [[Category:Muslim reformers]] [[Category:People murdered in Pakistan]] 9utr6
