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Admiral Sir Peter Parker, 1st Baronet (17211811) was a British naval officer who became Admiral of the Fleet.

Peter Parker was born probably in Ireland. He became a lieutenant in the Royal Navy in 1743 and captain in 1747. In 1761, he took command of HMS Buckingham and helped cover operations on Belle Île. For 10 years he was out of the service on account of the reduction of the navy.

He was knighted in 1772 and rejoined the service in 1773.

During the American Revolution, he was sent to provide naval support for an expedition reinforcing loyalists in the Southern Colonies. Parker hoisted his flag aboard HMS Bristol, and on June 28, 1776, led a naval attack against the fortifications on Sullivan's Island (later called Fort Moultrie after their commander), protecting Charleston, South Carolina. After a long and hard-fought battle, Parker was forced to call off the attack, having sustained heavy casualties, including the loss of HMS Actaeon, grounded and abandoned. Lord William Campbell, the last English Governor of the Province of South Carolina, was mortally wounded aboard the Bristol. Commodore Parker was himself wounded by a flying splinter which injured his leg and tore off his breeches, an incident which occasioned much mirth among his opponents.

He subsequently served under Lord Howe in the invasion and capture of New York City and commanded the squadron that captured Newport, Rhode Island. He subsequently became Commander-in-Chief, North American Waters, and then C-in-C, Jamaica. At this time, Parker acted as a patron and friend of Horatio Nelson, then serving aboard the Bristol, an attachment which would endure for the remainder of Nelson's life.

In 1782, he returned to England as Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth and was created baronet in 1783. He was, against his will, returned as MP for Seaford, and would later serve as MP for Member for Maldon.

In 1799 he succeeded Lord Howe as Admiral of the Fleet, and was Chief Mourner at Lord Nelson's funeral in 1805.

Among his children were:

  • Anne Parker, married George Ellis
  • Vice-Admiral Christopher Parker (1761–1804), married Augusta Byron and had issue.

He was succeeded in the baronetcy by Christopher's son Peter.

  • The British Admirals of the Fleet 1734 - 1995, Heathcote T. A., Pen & Sword Ltd, 2002, ISBN 0 85052 835 6

Vorlage:Start box Vorlage:S-par Vorlage:Succession box Vorlage:Succession box Vorlage:S-reg Vorlage:Succession box Vorlage:End box

Vorlage:First Sea Lord

{{DEFAULTSORT:Parker, Peter}} [[Category:First Sea Lords]] [[Category:Royal Navy admirals]] [[Category:British military personnel of the Seven Years' War]] [[Category:British naval personnel of the American Revolutionary War]] [[Category:Members of the Parliament of Great Britain for English constituencies]] [[Category:Baronets in the Baronetage of Great Britain|Parker, Sir Peter, 1st Baronet]] [[Category:1721 births]] [[Category:1811 deaths]]

  • E. A.Grestenberger: Die Befestigungsanlagen in Tirol und Kärnten 1860-1918 ISBN 3-8132-0747-1
  • Wilhelm Nußstein: Militärgeschichtlicher Reiseführer ISBN 3-8132-0496-0
  • Kriegsarchiv Wien
  • Kompass Carta turistica “Trento-Lévico-Lavarone” No. 75 Fleischmann Instituto Geografico I-38014 Gardolo (Trento) ISBN3-87051-085-4

tutto fesseria [[Kategorie:Festung in Italien] [[Kategorie:Österreichisches Festungswerk an der Grenze zu Italien|Werk Sebastiano]

{{Lesenswert Kandidat}


Beteiligte Verbände

[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
5. Armee
VII. Armeekorps XVI. Armeekorps XV. Armeekorps
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VII. AK in Kostanjevica XVI. AK in Dornberg XV. AK in Kneža

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7. Infanteriedivision 8. Infanteriedivision Bersaglieridivision Alpinigruppe A und B 1/2 29. Infanteriedivision
XIV. Armeekorps
1/2 29. Infanteriedivision 22. Infanteriedivision 28. Infanteriedivision 30. Infanteriedivision 23. Infanteriedivision
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2. Armee in Udine 3. Armee in Cervigano
  • Österreichisches Staatsarchiv/Kriegsarchiv Wien
  • L'esercito italiano nella grande guerra (1915-1918) Volume I - IV / Roma: Ministerio della Guerra - Ufficio Storico, 1929-1974
  • Ministero della Guerra Stato Maggiore centrale - Ufficio Storico. Guerra Italo-Austriaca 1915-18. Le medaglie d'Oro. Volume secondo - 1916. Roma: 1923
  • Österreich-Ungarns letzter Krieg 1914-1918 Band II Verlag der Militärwissenschftlichen Mitteilungen Wien 1931-1933
  • Anton Graf Bossi-Fedrigotti: Kaiserjäger - Ruhm und Ende. Stocker Verlag, Graz 1977
  • [[Isonzoschlachten]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Isonzoschlacht, Vierte} [[Kategorie:Italienfront (Erster Weltkrieg)] [[Kategorie:Schlacht des Ersten Weltkriegs]

The Battle of Asiago or Battle of the Plateaux (in Italian: Battaglia degli Altipiani), nicknamed Strafexpedition ("Punitive expedition") by the Austrians, was a counteroffensive launched by the Austro-Hungarians on the Italian Front on May 15, 1916, during World War I. It was an unexpected attack that took place near Asiago in the province of Vicenza (now in northeast Italy, then part of Austria-Hungary) after the Fifth Battle of the Isonzo (March 1916).

The idea came from Conrad von Hötzendorf, who had been maintaining for years (even before the outbreak of the war) the need of a punitive action against Italy, distrusting Italian loyalty to the Triple Alliance. Now, after Serbia's collapse and a series of Russian defeats on the Eastern Front, he had been allotted the resources to put that idea into practice. His plan consisted in a quick attack from Trentino toward the Adriatic Sea, cutting off Venetia and ensnaring General Cadorna's army in a giant trap.

It was not so easy, however, because the Italians had deployed in the area about 250,000 troops (General Brusati's First Army and part of the Fourth Army). Hötzendorff had asked Germany for help, but his request was denied because Germany was not yet at war with Italy (which would declare war on Germany three months later), and because redeploying German units on the Italian Front would have diminished German offensive capability against Russia.

Italian intelligence had been gathering information about an impending enemy offensive in Trentino — and a big one — for about a month, but Cadorna dismissed those reports, persuaded as he was that nothing could happen in that region.

On May 15, 2,000 Austrian artillery guns opened a heavy barrage against the Italian lines, setting Trentino afire. The Austrian infantry attacked along a 50km front. The Italian wings stood their ground, but the center yielded, and the Austrians broke through, reaching the beginning of the Venetian plain. With Vicenza about 30 km away, all the Italian forces on the Isonzo faced outflanking.

Cadorna hastily sent reinforcements to the First Army, and deployed the newly formed Fifth Army to engage the enemy in case they succeeded in entering the plain. The situation was critical.

However, on June 4, the Russians unexpectedly took the initiative in Galicia, where they managed to enter Austrian soil. Although they were effectively countered by German troops, Hötzendorf was forced quickly to withdraw half of his divisions from Trentino. With that, the Strafexpedition could no longer be sustained and the Austrians retired from many of their positions. Italian troops in the region were increased to 400,000 to counter the Austrian positions.

Although the Strafexpedition had been checked, it had political consequences in Italy: the Salandra Cabinet fell, and Paolo Boselli became the new Prime Minister. eh..vaffancuolo, ragazzo da Potse Vorlage:NowCommons Website

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  1. Grundzüge der deutschen Militärgeschichte Band 1, Rombach Verlag Freiburg, 1993 S. 223-224