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Yonsei University
Motto 진리가 너희를 자유케 하리라.
Die Wahrheit wird euch befreien.
(Joh 8,32 EU)
Ort Seoul und Wonju, Südkorea

Yonsei University ist eine private Universität, welches sich in Seoul, Südkorea befindet.

Die Universität wurde formell im Januar 1957 durch eine Fusion der Yonhi College und der Severance Union Medical College gegründet. This was a result of a lasting bilateral cooperation between the two colleges which had begun much earlier, in the 1920s. The institutions were new to Korea at the time of their inception — Yonhi was one of the first modern colleges, founded originally as Chosun Christian College in March, 1915, and Severence has its roots in the first modern medical center in Korea, Gwanghyewon, founded in April, 1885. As a tribute, the name 'Yon-sei' was derived from the first syllables of the names of its two parent institutions.

Yonsei gehört zu einer der SKY Universitäten, gemeinsam mit Seoul National University und Korea University.

Beginn (1885 - 1916)

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Die Yonsei University Medical School wurde am 10. April, 1885 als das erste moderne Spital Gwanghyewon (광혜원 廣惠院, House of Extended Grace) in Korea, welches westliche Medizin praktizierte, gegründet.

Das Spital wurde von Horace Newton Allen gegründet. Das Spital wurde am 23. April in Jejungwon (제중원 濟衆院, House of Universal Helpfulness) umbenannt. Da scheinbar zahlreiche Probleme auftauchten, ernannte die Kongregation am 16. Juli, 1893 Oliver R. Avison als Leiter. Zunächst wurde Gwanghyewon von der koreanischen Regierung finanziert, während das medizinische Personal von der Kongregation finanziert wurde. 1894 während des ersten Sino-Japanischen Krieges und den Gabo Reformen war die Regierung nicht mehr in der Lage, die finanzielle Unterstützung zu garantieren. Aus diesem Grunde wurde das Management vollumfänglich von der Kongregation übernommen. 1899 kehrte Avison in die USA zurück und besuchte eine Konferenz von Missionaren in New York wo er über das medizinische Projekt in Korea sprach. Louis H. Severance, ein Geschäftsmann und Philanthropist aus Cleveland, Ohio, war anwesend und war zutiefst bewegt. Er bezahlte später einen Grossteil der Baukosten der neuen Gebäude für die medizinischen Einrichtungen. Jejungwon wurde ihm zu Ehren in Severance Hospital umbenannt.

Jejungwon (später Severance Hospital) war grundsätzlich ein Spital, hatte jedoch auch eine Abteilung für medizinische Ausbildung. Das Spital eröffnete die erste Klasse mit 16 Medizinstudenten 1886, bloss ein Jahr nach der Eröffnung. 1899, wurde die Jejungwon Medical School offiziell anerkannt. Following the increase of diversity in missionary denominations in Korea, collaboration began to form — with time, Jejungwon began to receive medical staff, school faculty and financial support from the Union Council of Korean Missionaries (한국연합선교협의회) in 1912. Accordingly, the medical school was renamed Severance Union Medical College in 1913.[1]

Der Rest der Ursprünge der Yonsei University lassen sich auf die Chosun Christian College (조선기독교대학), which was founded on March 5, 1915, by another American Protestant missionary sent by the Church, Horace Grant Underwood. Underwood became the first president, and Avison vice president. It was located at YMCA. Courses began in April with 60 students and 18 faculty members.

Underwood starb durch eine Krankheit am 23. Oktober, 1916 und Avison übernahm die Leitung.

Japanische Besetzung (Teil I) (1917 - 1936)

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Statue of Underwood

On August 22, 1910, Korea was annexed by Japan with the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty. The first Governor-General of Korea, Terauchi Masatake, introduced Ordinance on Chosun Education (조선교육령; 朝鮮敎育令) in 1911, and subsequently Regulations on Professional Schools (전문학교 규칙) and Revised Regulations on Private Schools (개정사립학교 규칙) in March, 1915. These were intended to stifle private education in Korea; any establishment of schools, any change in school regulations, location, its purpose, coursework or textbooks must all be reported to and authorized by the governor-general, and all courses must be in Japanese. Severance Union College struggled to meet these requirements; school regulations and coursework were altered, faculty evaluated and enlarged, its foundation and its board clarified. It received its recognition as a professional medical school on May 14, 1917.[2] In 1922 the governor-general Makoto Saito issued Revised Ordinance on Chosun Education (개정조선교육령). It called for more strict qualification of the faculty, and Severance reacted obediently and further recruited more members with degrees from credited institutions in North America and Europe. Japan did not completely ignore the competence of this institution; in 1923 Severance recovered its right to give medical license to its graduates without state examination, a right which had been lost since 1912. Moreover in March, 1934, Japanese Ministry of Education and Culture further recognized Severance in allowing its graduates the right to practice medicine anywhere within Japanese sovereignty.

Oh Geung Seon (오경선; 吳兢善) became the first Korean president of Severance in 1934.

Underwood Hall, which houses administrative offices

Ordinances in 1915 and 1922 also affected the fate of Chosun Christian College. First intended as a college, it was not legally recognized as such, since the Ordinance (1915) did not allow the establishment of Korean private colleges. Hence Chosun Christian College, now renamed Yonhi College, was formally accepted only as a professional school on April 17, 1917, then a joint project from diverse missionary denominations. However, Yonhi in reality had formed the organization and faculty becoming a university; it consisted 6 departments: humanities, agriculture, commerce, theology (this department did not open due to the differences among the founding denominations), mathematics & physics, and applied chemistry. The ordinances, furthermore, prohibited coursework in Korean history, its geography, or in Bible outside the department of theology; council of missionaries reacted with A Resolution on the Revised Educational Ordinance (개정교육령에 관한 결의문)[3] which carefully pointed out that Japan did not apply such rigorous absurdities to its private schools in mainland Japan.

After March First Independence Movement swept the peninsula in 1919, Japan somewhat relaxed its grip on Korea, and this is reflected in the Ordinance (1922). It ceased the arbitrary control of governor-general over the coursework and the qualification of faculty members, and altered its stance on strict separation of religion from all education. It also recognized Yonhi as a professional school equal to its counterparts in Japan, and permitted the Christian programs and the Bible in its coursework. Nevertheless, Japanese literature became mandatory in turn.[4] Under Japanese intervention, Korean history was taught under the name Eastern History and Korean language was taught whenever possible.[5]

Department of agriculture was closed after 1922 when only its first graduates left Yonhi. There were efforts to revive this department, without much success. However, Yonhi installed a training center for agricultural leaders on campus, with impressive results.[6]

Yonhi was liberal in its admission of non-Christians. Its policy was to admit non-Christians relatively freely and allow the majority Christian students to gradually influence and assimilate them.

Under Japanese Rule(II): The War Machine (1937 - 1945)

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In the late 1930s, Japan again shifted its policy towards Korea in order to incorporate it to its scheme of expansionism. In August, 1936, the new Japanese Governor-General Jirō Minami began the assimilation of Koreans, in order to exploit them for military purposes; Governor-General enforced Sōshi-kaimei and Shintoism on Koreans, and began to recruit Koreans for Japanese war efforts. In April,1938 the third Ordinance on Chosun Education ordered the acceptance of Shintoism, voluntary removal of Korean language in coursework and further intensification of Japanese and Japanese history education. However, Yonhi Professional School did not follow suit and opened courses on the study of Korean language in November, 1938. This was not tolerated for long and in March, 1940, Yonhi was forced to open courses on Japanese studies for each department and each year. From 1938, English also began to come under pressure following a deterioration of relations between Japan and United States; coursework in English was forbidden and texts of English writers were censored. In 1938, President H.H. Underwood accepted the practice of Shintoism to avoid the fate of Yonhi's termination. Governors-General pushed Yonhi to refuse financial support from United States and financial difficulties amounted.
On individual level, Yonhi faculty members and its students were apprehended or investigated during this period for their involvement in real and alleged resistance movements.[7]

In 1939, the United States government recalled all its citizens and missionaries in Korea; Underwood and some of the faculty refused to leave Korea until forced to in 1941-1942 following the outbreak of the pacific war. Japanese military officers were dispatched in Yonhi for military training of its students in 1940 and forced labor began in 1941. Scientific equipments, building parts, and even the Underwood statue were seized then the school yard was turned into drill ground. Due to their value in the time of war, medical students of Severance were not a target of "voluntary recruitment," but Severance also faced Sōshi-kaimei, military training, and constant surveillance by the Japanese authorities. Severance was coerced into changing its name to Asahi(旭) in 1942.

On August 17, 1942, the board was dismissed and Yonhi was designated as enemy property, and thus was appropriated and further managed directly by an appointee from the Governors-General. Yonhi ceased to be a place of education and was converted into a tool for assimilation of Koreans and exploitation of manpower. By October, 1943, students were practically being conscripted. In 1944 dormitories were converted into barracks and campus was occupied by the Japanese air force. Finally, on May 10, 1944, Governors-General closed Yonhi and replaced it with Kyungsung Industrial Management School (경성공업경영학교), the primary purpose of which was to train engineers required to continue the war.

Resistance against Japanese rules

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Both Severance and Yonhi were closely involved in Korean independence movements. Many faculty members of Severance and Yonhi were directly involved in the March First Independence Movement, as were their students. Severance continued its contribution by printing The Independence in the basement of one of its buildings, and Yonhi was as active as any other school, so that by the end of the movement only 17 students were left. Yonhi students were active participants of Chosun Student Council for Scientific Research (조선학생과학연구회), which was one of the leading groups in the Mansei Movement of June 10, 1926. Yonhi Student Council and many faculty members belonging to the clandestine Shin Gan Society (신간회 新幹會) gave full support to the Gwangju Student Movement; in the aftermath, students were apprehended, and Shin Gan Society was exposed. Later on, students actively participated in V Narod (브나로드) and Student Enlightenment Movement (학생계몽운동) during 1929 - 1930.

The Yonhi School, under Japanese oppression in 1940s, still kept producing Korean patriots fought for Korean independence. In 1942, the Japanese Colonial Government of Korea arrested 33 Korean scholars of Korean language including three members of Yonhi School faculty and prominent Korean language scholars, Choi Hyun Bae (최현배; 崔鉉培), Lee Yun Jae (이윤재; 李允宰), and Kim Do Yeon (金度演; 김도연) and other graduates of the school including Jung Tae Jin (정태진; 丁泰鎭) and Kim Yoon Kyung (김윤경; 金允經) for organizing the Joseon Language Society (조선어학회; 朝鮮語學會; now Korean Language Society; 한글학회; 한글學會), studying Korean language, and attempting to publish a Korean language dictionary. Lee Yun Jae died in jail in 1942 from torture and harsh treatment, 11 were found guilty, and 5 including Choi Hyun Bae were put to prison. The Japanese Colonial Court found them guilty because "behaviors such as publishing of a Korean language dictionary is a form of nationality movement to maintain the spirit of Joseon."[8] Also, Yun Dong-ju (윤동주; 尹東柱), a 1941 graduate of Yonhi School, joined the Korean independence movement, left many poems about patriotism and self-reflection, imprisoned by Japaneses, and died from torture and harsh treatment in 1944.

As tributes to their efforts, Yonsei University has constructed a monument called 'Yonsei Hangultap' (A Monument for Korean Language by Yonsei; 연세 한글탑; 延世 한글塔), a monument for Yun Dong Ju (윤동주 시비; 尹東柱 詩碑), and bust statues of Choi Hyun Bae and Kim Yoon Kyung in its Seoul Campus.

Liberation and the Korean War (1946 - 1952)

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Severance was now approved as a college by the liberated Korean government in 1947. Since the majority of medical institutions in Korea was run by the Japanese, medical staff and faculty were in short supply after their departure. Thus many members of Severance staff and faculty left Severance to assist other institutions. Severance also took up the role of student leadership, and was outspoken against US-Soviet occupation. In 1950, during the outbreak of the Korean War Severance functioned as a field hospital until Seoul was overrun. Severance fled hurriedly but some faculty members and students were unable to leave in time; some were killed and others were captured then exploited by the advancing North Koreans. Severance seniors joined the military as army surgeons. Although Severance returned to Seoul for a while after its recapture, it had to flee again in December on a LST in Incheon. When Severance arrived in Busan, its medical school joined the wartime college, a temporary body. Meanwhile, the Severance facility in Seoul received heavy damage, as it was located in the center of the city near the Seoul station. Severance Hospital again returned on April 1, 1952, and its medical college on June 12, 1952.

The US Military initially neglected the restitution Yonhi and held other plans to utilize it as a military hospital or judiciary training center. With time, nevertheless, Yonhi came to be viewed as a missionary institution that was dispossessed by the Governor-General. Yonhi was able to open its doors again on January 21, 1946 and on August 15, 1946, was recognized as a university. Baek Nak Jun became president. It was a period of transition, and Yonhi University faced numerous obstacles including financial ones; it was after 1947 that things settled down. At the time, Korea lacked teachers and Yonhi was asked to provide education and training; Temporary Training Center for Secondary School Teachers in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (임시 수물화학과 중등교원양성소) was established. In December, 1948, plans for unification of Yonhi and Severance began to take form.[9] Graduate School was formed in July, 1950.
It was at this point that all progress came to a halt due to the Korean War. The university suspended all courses on June 27 and recruited student soldiers. The North Korean military advanced into Yonhi campus and established its headquarters there. This was a cause of severe damage to the campus when the US military recaptured Seoul in September. The university reopened following the recapture of Seoul, but it was once more on the run to Busan in December. On February, 1951, Yonhi joined the wartime college; however, Yonhi kept an independent body and opened its own courses on October 3, 1951. On April 15, 1953 Yonhi began its work on restoration; Yonhi returned to its campus in the fall.

Lee Han Yeol Memorial

In 1957, Severance Medical College and Hospital and Yonhi University merged to form Yonsei University. Today, Yonsei operates its main campus in Seoul and a satellite campus in Wonju, Gangwon Province.

Sources: The sections Beginnings, Under Japanese Rule(I), Under Japanese Rule(II): The War Machine, Liberation and the Korean War are largely based on 연세대학교백년사 100 Years of Yonsei University History, Yonsei University Press.

Rankings and reputation

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In 2009, Yonsei University was ranked 151st overall - up from 203rd in 2008 - and 79th in Arts and Humanities in the world [10][11][12], one of the two most prominent world university rankings along with Academic Ranking of World Universities compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.[13][14] 2009 Academic Rankings of World placed Yonsei University at 201-302 range in the world, 23-42 range in Asia/Pacific region, and 2-3 range in South Korea.[15] Also, 2009 Performance Rankings of Scientific Papers for World University, by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, ranked Yonsei 200th in the world.[16] Yonsei was ranked 96th in the world according to an SCI paper published in 2007.[17]

Within Korea, a ranking by the Joongang Education Development Institute, an effort started to comprehensively rank universities in South Korea for the first time from 1994, placed Yonsei University second place 3 times between 2005 and 2009 (and when specialized universities were included, 4th place). The other two years Yonsei was one place lower.[18]

Yonsei University operates the Underwood International College (UIC), a four-year program of classes taught exclusively in English. By providing generous scholarships and high pay, the UIC has attracted top students and faculty members from around the world, making it an "academic landmark in Asia" according to Newsweek.[19]

Christian School

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Yonsei University is a school founded on Christian principles [20] and purporting to "produce Christian leaders with the spirits of freedom and truth".[21] The Christian character of the university is also well illustrated by its history as a school originally founded by American Protestant missionaries and by its school motto from the bible, "The truth will set you free" (John 8:32). As of 2007, the Board of Directors of Yonsei University should include a member from 4 Korean Christian organizaions, the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Korea (대한예수교장로회), the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (한국기독교장로회), the Korean Methodist Church (기독교대한감리회), and the Anglican Church of Korea (대한성공회).[22] In Korea and Japan, Christian schools founded by Christian organizations or individuals, especially by Western missionaries, such as Yonsei University, are commonly called mission schools.

The conflict between a school's founding ideology and a student's freedom of religion has been a controversy in South Korean society for some time. As of 2009, a student does not have to be an active Christian to be admitted to Yonsei University. However, he or she is required to attend weekly chapel hours which consist of sermons and public prayers, similar to other mission schools in South Korea such as Ewha Woman's University, Seoul Women's University, Soongsil University, and Hannam University. As of 2004, a student of Yonsei University is required to attend weekly chapel hours for 4 semesters and take one Christianity-related class in order to graduate. These requirements are enforced strictly by thorough attendance checks. A student in Soongsil University sued the university for the limitation of his freedom of religion in 1995 when he could not obtain his B.A. because he did not attend chapel hours, but the Korean court ruled in favor of the school, stating that the school regulation had not limited students' freedom of religion.[23][24]

Rivalry with Korea University

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Each claming to be the most prestigious private university in South Korea, Yonsei University and Korea University have had rivalry that is longer and more intense than any other rivalries between other universities in South Korea. This can be compared to the rivalries between Oxford University and Cambridge University in the U.K., Waseda University and Keio University in Japan, and De La Salle University and Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines.[25]

The rivalry is well-illustrated by famous annual sports matches between two universities. This event, starting from 1925, is called Yon Ko Jeon (연고전; 延高戰) in the years when Korea University hosts the matches, and called Ko Yon Jeon (고연전; 高延戰) when Yonsei University hosts the matches. The annual one-time matches include soccer, baseball, basketball, rugby, and ice hockey. Many students in each university come to this event to cheer for their teams, and the event has a significant meaning as many influential alumni of each school are very interested in the result for the sake of their school spirit.[25]

University shield

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The "ㅇ" and "ㅅ" in the University shield derived from the first letters of each syllable in "연세"(Yonsei). The circle "ㅇ" represents the ideal of a complete and well-rounded person, while the "ㅅ" symbolizes the upward-looking striving for scholarly excellence. In addition, the "ㅇ" stands for Heaven(天), the "ㅡ" represents the horizon of the Earth(地), and "ㅅ" signifies Man(人) as expressed in the Chinese character. The open book stands for Truth, the torchlight signifies Freedom, and the shield protects these two core principles of the University.

Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Complex

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Originally agreed to on May 8, 2006 between the city of Incheon and Yonsei University, the Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Complex will be an anchor of the R&D aspect of the Songdo area and bolster the Korean education and research industries. Construction will be in two phases with the first phase including the Global Campus, Joint University Campus, R&D Campus, and the Global Academic Village. Phase one is expected to be complete in 2010 allowing phase two to begin the next year in 2011 with further expansion.[26]

The Joint University Campus aspect of the project is expected to be either an overseas campus of a major foreign research university or a joint campus created and managed between such a university and Yonsei University. This joint campus will be integrated and fully compatible with the Yonsei University program.[27]

The Construction of the Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Complex begins on 26, November, 2008.

  • Colleges
Yonsei University Radio Observatory, part of Korean VLBI Network
    • International Campus
      • ▶ The list below is tentative and will be confirmed at a future date.
      • Underwood International College
      • School of Asian Studies
      • College of Engineering (fusion majors)
      • Global Business Undergraduate Program
      • College of Pharmacy
      • Pre-med/Pre-dental Program
      • University College Premium Education Program
      • College of Medi-Bio & Science Technology (graduate program)

  • Avenante is the only mixed chorus in Yonsei University, composed of both music and non-music majors. Concerts are given twice every year. The club practices a variety of songs in many genres, from Missa Solemnis to pop songs to traditional Korean songs. (Official homepage:
  • The International Yonsei Community (IYC) was founded in 1995 for global, multi-cultural exchange within the Yonsei society, including among the hundreds of students on campus from all around the world. It upholds a universal idea of contributing to the worldwide foundation of wisdom and knowledge, overcoming cultural, racial and academic gaps, promoting unity based on deep understanding. (Official homepage:
  • SIFE Yonsei University was the first "Students In Free Enterprise" team in the Republic of Korea. Since its initial launch in 2004, SIFE Yonsei University has been playing a key role in SIFE Republic of Korea. So far, Yonsei SIFE has worked on 16 projects which impacted thousands of people living in South Korea, from dislocated North Korean people to Vietnamese immigrant women. Also, SIFE Yonsei University won the Korean national competition three times out of five. (Official homepage:
  • The Yonsei International Affairs Review is a student-run academic journal that covers a wide variety of topics ranging from international politics to economics, business, and law, featuring abridged research papers, news analysis, policy reviews, columns, book reviews and other analytical writing provided by students interested in these areas. (Official homepage:
  • "Major Assets and Development of Eqity" was founded in 2010 at Underwood International College. The main purpose and aim of M.A.D.E. is to promote and develop sustainable and diversified hands-on investment skills with actual funds among our members. This development fund is aimed at providing financial aid and annual scholarship opportunities for UIC students in financial need that exhibit good academic and merit-based standings. The club also holds a monthly lecture series that hosts a wide variety of distinguished business leaders, policy makers, and Government Officials. (Official homepage:
  • Note there are more than 100 clubs at Yonsei University, and that the clubs listed here are not necessarily representative of clubs on campus.
  • Literature & Arts
    • Kim Yun Kyung (김윤경): Scholar of Korean language and Korean independence movement activist
    • Chung In Seung (정인승): Scholar of Korean language and Korean independence movement activist
    • Yun Dong-ju (윤동주): Poet and Korean independence movement activist
    • Jung Hyun Jong (정현종): Poet
    • Gi Hyung Do (기형도): Poet
    • Ma Gwang Su (마광수): Poet, novelist, and a current faculty member of Yonsei University
    • Gong Ji Young (공지영): Novelist
    • Cha Beom Seok (차범석): Playwright and director
    • Choi In ho (최인호): Novelist
    • Kim Young Ha (김영하): Novelist
    • Park Hyun Wook (박현욱): Novelist
    • Kim Dong Gyu (김동규): Classical singer(baritone)

  • Politics, Government and Public Service
    • Kim Hak-Su (김학수): UN Under-Secretary-General
    • Lee Man Seoup (이만섭): Journalist and Former Chairman of National Assembly
    • Kang Young Woo (강영우): Member of National Council On Disability Status
    • Kim Jong Hoon (김종훈) : Korean minister for Trade
    • Han Seung-soo (한승수): Former President of 56th United Nations General Assembly and Prime Minister of South Korea
    • Kim Woo Sik (김우식): Former Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology of South Korea
    • Yun Kwan (윤관): Former Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Korea
    • Yoon Hye-Ran (윤혜란): Ramon Magsaysay Award recipient
    • Kim, Suk-soo (김석수): Former Prime Minister
    • Kim, Jung-Hyun (김중현): Vice Minister of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
  • Entertainment
    • Na Woon-gyu: Father of Korean Cinema; actor, screenwriter and director
    • Shin Hyun-jun : Movie actor and professor
    • Bong Joon-ho: Movie director
    • Horan (Choi, Soojin): Singer of Clazziquai Project and Ibadi, radio DJ, model, and author
    • Lim, Sung Hoon: TV show host
    • Kim, Dong Ryul: Pop Singer, former member of 'Exhibition'
    • Park Jin-Young: Singer, songwriter, CEO of JYP Entertainment
    • Yoon, Jong Shin: Pop singer and TV show host
    • Sweet Sorrow: Pop singing group, debut album 'Sweet Sorrow', winner of 2004 Yu Jaeha Music Contest
    • Yoongeon (Yang, Chang Ik): Pop singer of 'Brown Eyes'
    • Kang, Soo Jung: TV show host and former news anchor
    • Bae, Chang Ho: Movie director
    • Son, Bum Soo: TV show host and former news anchor
    • Lee Seong-kang: Animated film director of My Beautiful Girl, Mari
    • Heo Jin-ho: Movie director of Christmas in August
    • Lim, Sang Soo: Movie director
    • Kim, Dong Geon: TV show host and former news anchor
    • Lee, Yoon Seok: Comedian and professor
    • Myung, Gye Nam: Movie, TV and stageplay actor and political activist
    • Ahn, Chi Hwan: Folk rock singer and social activist


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  1. History written above clearly suggests that Severance Hospital and College of Medicine originated from Jejungwon(Gwanghyewon). Recently Seoul national university hospital claimed that they are historically linked to Jejungwon(Gwanghyewon). The statement is criticized by medical historians as hollow, without any supporting evidences
  2. Oshima (大島正健) was a Japanese Severance faculty member teaching ethics who made considerable contributions to this outcome. See Severance Bulletin No.12, 1929, S.U.M.C Catalogue 1917-18
  3. H.H. Underwood, Modern Education in Korea, p. 202.
  4. The Ordinance (1922) was commonly viewed to have an ulterior political motive, not as genuine effort to improve education. 동아일보사설 Donga Daily Editorial, February 10, 1922.
  5. Faculty members that include Choi Hyun Bae, Lee Yun Jae, Jung In Seo, Yu Eok Kyum, and Baek Nak Jun contributed to this end.
  6. 연세대학교백년사 One Hundred Years of Yonsei University History, Yonsei University Press, p.183
  7. 백낙준, 이묘묵, 하경덕, 갈홍기, 조병옥, 김윤경, 이용설 and others in June, 1937; Three students and 이순탁, 백남운, 노동규 apprehended and 60 Yonhi alumni investigated in October, 1937; 유억겸, 이춘호, 최현배 in September, 1938; student study group members 임종배, 김창식, 김규상 in October, 1937 and 이순복, 김삼불, 송몽규 in 1938; 최현배 and others resigned after apprehension of linguists in 1942
  8. [1] Doosan Encyclopedia
  9. This originally included Ewha University. Ewha University fell out asserting its independent goal in education of women.
  10. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen 2009 Times Higher Education article.
  11. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen 2009 Chosun Ilbo article.
  12. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen 2009 Newsis article.
  13. [2] Ioannidis, J. P. A., Patsopoulos, N. A., Kavvoura, F. K., Tatsioni, A., Evangelou, E., Kouri, I., et al. (2007). International ranking systems for universities and institutions: a critical appraisal. BMC Medicine, 5(30).
  14. [3] 2010 article
  15. Korea Academic rankings of world universities 2009 - South Korea. Among other comprehensive universities in South Korea, Seoul National University was ranked 152-200 in the world, 17-22 in Asia/Pacific region, and 1st in South Korea. Korea University was ranked 303-401 in the world, 43-67 in Asia/Pacific region, and 4-7 in South Korea
  16. [4] 2009 Performance Rankings of Scientific Papers for World University. Among other comprehensive universities in South Korea, Seoul National University was ranked 85th, and Korea University 238th in the world.
  17. [5] 2010 University News Network article
  18. Joongang Education Development Institute; login required Joongang Education Development Institute (중앙일보 교육개발연구소; 中央日報 敎育開發硏究所) The ranking includes 122 Korean universities as of 2006 by five criteria of financial status, research achievements, internationalization, fame of alumni, and improvements from the previous year, further divided by 52 weighted sub-categories.
  19. [6] 2007 Newsweek article
  20. [7] Vision and founding ideology of Yonsei University, from Yonsei University Web site
  21. [8] Founding ideology of Yonsei University Board of Trustees, from Yonsei University Web site
  22. ko:연세대학교 Korean Wikipedia article
  23. [9] 2003 Moonhwa Ilbo article
  24. [10] 2004 Hangeyore article
  25. a b [11] 2008 My Daily article
  26. What is Yeonsei SGAC?
  27. Chief Features of SGAC, Joint University Campus
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