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Die Schlacht von Juba 2016 (Battle of Juba) war eine Reihe von Gefechten in Juba, der Hauptstadt des Südsudan. Die Auseinandersetzungen wurden zwischen rivalisierenden Faktionen der Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) geführt, welche zum einen loyal gegenüber Präsident Salva Kiir und andererseits gegenüber Vizepräsident Riek Machar waren.

Im August 2015 unterzeichneten beide Seiten eined a peace agreement to end the South Sudanese Civil War. Machar was later reappointed as Vice-President in April 2016.[1] At least 1,400 soldiers loyal to Machar moved into Juba before he returned, setting up a camp near the barracks of Kiir-loyal troops. Both sides were deeply suspicious of each other.Vorlage:Sfnp On 3 July, a soldier loyal to Machar, Lt.Colonel George Gismala was killed by government security personnel. The killing led to a rise in tensions within some security forces in Juba.[2]

The fighting started with an incident on 7 July, as soldiers loyal to Machar were stopped at a checkpoint in Juba's Gudele district. Violence erupted,Vorlage:Sfnp reportedly initiated by government soldiers.[3] The incident left five Kiir-loyalist soldiers dead and two soldiers of unspecified affiliation injured.[4][5] In the following night, government troops attacked armored cars belonging to United States diplomats, though nobody was hurt.Vorlage:Sfnp

On 8 July, Kiir and Machar met in the presidential palace for a press conference, attempting to defuse the situation.Vorlage:Sfnp[6] As the two talked to journalists, Machar's bodyguards parked their cars next to those of Kiir's Presidential Guard (known as "Tiger Battalion").Vorlage:Sfnp After a short time, both sides started shooting each other.Vorlage:Sfnp[7] It remained unclear who started, as both sides would later blame each other; in any case, both Machar and Kiir loyalists were eager for a fight. Chaos erupted, and Kiir personally saved Machar from death. As the fighting temporarily abated, the President brought his rival to a car, shielding him with his own body and ensuring that he could escape. Journalist Peter Martell argued that this action was probably not motivated by any sympathy of Kiir for Machar, but the former's belief that it would reflect badly on him if his rival were to be killed at the presidential palace.Vorlage:Sfnp The clashes subsequently spread across the city. The army barracks erupted in violence. Shooting occurred outside a UN base,[8] where one death was reported.[9] Government loyalist forces poured into Juba, eventually securing most of it. Fighting on 8 July left 35 SPLM-IO soldiers and 80 government soldiers dead.[6]

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The next day was mostly calm, but Kiir ordered his troops to finally hunt down and kill Machar on 10 July.Vorlage:Sfnp Fighting was concentrated in Jebel and Gudele, where rebel bases were located, as well as in a UN base.[10] Loud explosions and gunfire were also heard near the airport.[11] The government troops used tanks to break through the defenses of Machar's personal compound, forcing him to flee on foot. The South Sudan Air Force's fighter jets and attack helicopters indiscriminately attacked rebel forces, uncaring of civilian casualties.Vorlage:Sfnp In Jebel, rebel camps were bombed by government helicopters.[12] Two Chinese peacekeepers were killed and 8 others were wounded,[13][14] when their armoured personnel carrier was hit by a bomb inside the U.N. base.Vorlage:Sfnp The government soldiers also attacked civilians based on ethnicity, resulting in thousands fleeing for their lives.Vorlage:Sfnp The fighting initially ended when a thunderstorm began.[12] At least 272 people, including 33 civilians, were killed during the fighting on 8 July.[15]

The battle resumed on 11 July,[16] and Gudele and Jebel remained hotspots of violence. Explosions hit Tomping, where the airport, embassies, and a U.N. base are located.[17] Mortars were heard in the downtown area.[18] Eight people in a UN refugee camp were killed and 67 were injured from gunfire.[19][20] A ceasefire was announced;[21] however, reports of gunfire continued.[22] By the morning of 12 July, it appeared that the ceasefire was holding.[23] Regardless, government troops including Mathiang Anyoor militiamen continued to loot the city.Vorlage:Sfnp

Approximately 50 to 100 soldiers looted the Terrain Hotel, where they proceeded to murder journalist John Gatluak and rape five women.[24] 10 soldiers were sentenced to jail for the crimes in August 2018.[24]

Even days after the battle had ended, soldiers were stopping women venturing out of civilian camps to steal from and rape them. Human Rights Watch commented that had UN peacekeepers had patrolled "key areas", fewer rapes would have occurred. On 4 August, OHCHR stated that there had been more than 200 reported cases of sexual assault in Juba. The HRW also noted that the UNMISS peacekeepers at Thongpiny base took more than six hours to let fleeing civilians in. During and after the battle, government forces blocked fleeing civilians, and a journalist who had written a critical editorial on the clashes was detained.[25]


SPLA soldiers near Juba, shortly after the clashes in the city.

Overall at least 300 people were killed in the fighting,[26] including at least 33 civilians[15] and 2 Chinese U.N. peacekeepers.[27] 11 Ugandans were also among the dead.[28] Approximately 36,000 civilians fled parts of the city due to the clashes.[29] Many stores had been looted during the conflict.[30]

There were around 600 Indians in South Sudan; around 450 in Juba and others elsewhere in the country at the time of conflict. Two C-17 Globemasters of the Indian Air Force were deployed to evacuate Indians and other foreign nationals. The first flight left Juba on 15 July (South Sudan Time) carrying 143 individuals including 10 women and 3 infants. It landed in Kerala on 16 July. The operation was codenamed Operation Sankat Mochan (lit. Saviour).[31]

On 12 August, the UN Security Council authorized a new Regional Protection Force mandated to protect Juba Airport as well as other installations as a part of UNMISS.[25]

With the collapse of the peace deal, the civil war fully resumed and further escalated in violence.Vorlage:Sfnp

Both Kiir and Machar have condemned the clashes,[6] and repeatedly called for their forces to stop fighting.[22]

Vorlage:Flagicon Ban Ki-Moon: "I am shocked and appalled by the heavy fighting that is currently taking place in Juba. I strongly urge President Kiir and First Vice-President Riek Machar to do everything within their power to de-escalate the hostilities immediately and to order their respective forces to disengage and withdraw to their bases. This senseless violence is unacceptable and has the potential of reversing the progress made so far in the peace process..."[12][32]

Vorlage:Flagicon The UNSC, after an emergency meeting on the crisis,[5] issued a statement calling for an immediate cessation to the fighting and for both Kiir and Machar to do their utmost to control their respective forces.[33] The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has increased patrols near its base.[34]

National reactions

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Vorlage:Flag condemned the conflict, and the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir urged Kiir and Machar in telephone calls to use self-restraint.[35]

Vorlage:Flagicon The United States condemned the violence and called for the parties to "immediately restrain their forces from further fighting, return them to barracks, and prevent additional violence and bloodshed."[36][37]




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{{DEFAULTSORT:Juba, 2016 Battle of}} [[Category:2016 in South Sudan]] [[Category:Conflicts in 2016]] [[Category:Juba]] [[Category:South Sudanese Civil War]]

  1. South Sudan rebel chief Riek Machar sworn in as vice-president. BBC, 26. April 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  2. Shooting of military officer in Juba | Radio Tamazuj (Memento des Originals vom 7. März 2017 im Internet Archive). Abgerufen am 6. März 2017 (englisch). 
  3. South Sudan: Heavy gunfire following death of soldiers. BBC, 8. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 9. Juli 2016.
  4. South Sudan leaders appeal for calm after clashes in Juba. Xinhua, 8. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 10. Juli 2016.
  5. a b Jacey Fortin, Josh Kron: New Wave of Violence Ripples Through South Sudan's Capital In: The New York Times, 10. Juli 2016. Abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016 
  6. a b c Denis Dumo, Elias Biryabarema: At least 115 soldiers killed in South Sudan clashes: opposition. Reuters, 9. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 9. Juli 2016.
  7. At least 150 soldiers killed as South Sudan marks fifth independence anniversary. ABC, 9. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 9. Juli 2016.
  8. South Sudan: 'Scores dead' on independence anniversary. Al Jazeera, 9. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 9. Juli 2016.
  9. S.Sudan clashes kill over 150 soldiers. Gulf Today, 9. Juli 2016, archiviert vom Original am 9. Juli 2016; abgerufen am 9. Juli 2016.
  10. Renewed fighting breaks out across South Sudan capital. CTV, 10. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 10. Juli 2016.
  11. South Sudan fighting: Gunfire erupts again in Juba. Al Jazeera, 10. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 10. Juli 2016.
  12. a b c South Sudan fears return to civil war as heavy fighting erupts anew in Juba, thousands flee. Japan Times, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  13. Two Chinese UN peacekeepers killed in South Sudan capital fighting. Xinhua, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  14. Denis Dumo: Renewed fighting erupts in South Sudan as fears of civil war mount. Reuters, 10. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 10. Juli 2016.
  15. a b South Sudan on verge of civil war, death toll rises. Abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  16. South Sudan: Clashes erupt in Juba hours after UN plea. BBC, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  17. Explosions and heavy weapons gunfire shook South Sudan's capital, Juba, Monday in the fifth day of clashes between government and opposition forces, raising the spectre of a return to civil war. France 24, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  18. South Sudan crisis: Renewed fighting in Juba. Al Jazeera, 11. Juli 2015, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  19. Carolyn Thompson: 'A tent cannot stop a bullet': 8 killed and dozens injured at UN camp in South Sudan. CBC, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  20. Jason Burke: South Sudan's situation 'dire and deteriorating' as fighting in Juba rages. In: The Guardian. 12. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 12. Juli 2016.
  21. South Sudan's warring factions declare ceasefire. Al Jazeera, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 12. Juli 2016.
  22. a b South Sudan clashes: Salva Kiir and Riek Machar order ceasefire. BBC, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 12. Juli 2016.
  23. South Sudan ceasefire declared by Kiir and Machar holding. BBC, 12. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 12. Juli 2016.
  24. a b Denis Dumo: South Sudan soldiers sentenced to jail for murder, rape in 2016 hotel raid, Reuters 
  25. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen hrw.
  26. At least 300 killed in latest South Sudan violence: UN
  27. Violence in South Sudan Kills Two Chinese U.N. Peacekeepers
  28. [2 Chinese U.N. peacekeepers Government says 11 Ugandans killed in recent South Sudan clashes]
  29. Civil war fears as heavy arms fire rocks South Sudan capital. Belfast Telegraph, 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  30. Tito Justin: Shaky S. Sudan Truce Holds as Juba Residents Find Looted Markets. Voice of America, 12. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 13. Juli 2016.
  31. Sankat Mochan: First aircraft with evacuated people from Juba to land in Kerala tomorrow. In: The Indian Express. 14. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 16. Juli 2016.
  32. Statement by the Secretary-General on South Sudan. UN, 10. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  33. Security Council condemns fighting in Juba, demands South Sudan's leaders prevent spread of violence. UN News Centre, 10. Juli 2016;.
  34. Jason Burke: More than 300 dead as South Sudan capital is rocked by violence. In: the Guardian. 11. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  35. Khartoum expresses deep concern over conflicts in S. Sudan. Xinhua, 10. Juli 2016, abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  36. US demands an immediate end to South Sudan violence. Abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.
  37. South Sudan: United States Demands an Immediate End to Fighting in South Sudan. Abgerufen am 11. Juli 2016.