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Unterstützung der Vereinigten Staaten für von Saudi-Arabien geführte Operationen im Jemen (United States support for Saudi Arabian–led operations in Yemen) beschreibt das Vorgehen der Vereinigten Staaten im Bezug auf den Konflikt von Saudi-Arabien und Jemen im Zusammenhang mit den Militärinterventionen im Jemen seit 2015 gegen die Huthi-Rebellen.

Während der Präsidentschaft von Barack Obama begannen die Vereinigten Staaten, Saudi-Arabien taktische Unterstützung zu gewähren, um die von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärinterventionen im jemenitischen Bürgerkrieg aufrechtzuerhalten („sustain“).[1] während der Präsidentschaft von Donald Trump ausgeweitet wurde.[2] Diese Unterstützung umfasste logistische und nachrichtendienstliche Hilfe. Trump legte 2019 sein Veto gegen einen parteiübergreifenden Gesetzentwurf (bipartisan bill) ein, der darauf abzielte, die US-Unterstützung für die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition im Jemen zu stoppen. Im Jahr 2021 vekündete Joe Biden, die US-Unterstützung für den Krieg einzustellen, obwohl die US-Waffenverkäufe an die Koalition fortgesetzt wurden.[3][4]

Berichten zufolge war Saudi-Arabien von 2015 bis 2019 der größte Importeur von US-Waffen.[2]

Der Jemenitische Bürgerkrieg begann im September 2014, als Huthi-Einheiten in der Schlacht von Sanaa die Hauptstadt Sanaa einnahmen. Nach dem Vorfall übernahmen sie sehr schnell die Macht. Am 21. März 2015 erklärte das von Huthis geführte Supreme Revolutionary Committee die General-Mobilmachung um die von Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi geführte Regierung zu stürzen und dehnte die Kontrolle auf die südlichen Provinzen aus.[5] Am 25. März fiel Lahidsch an die Huthis und sie erreichten die Außenbezirke von Aden, dem Sitz der Regierung von Hadi. Hadi floh am selben Tag aus dem Land.[5]

Eine Koalition unter Führung von Saudi-Arabien konnte mit Luftangriffen den Kriegsverlauf soweit beeinflussen, dass die alte Regierung wieder eingesetzt werden konnte. Die Vereinigten Staaten haben Unterstützung im Bereich der Aufklärung und Logistik geleistet.[6] Die Unterstützung dauert an, obwohl die Administration von Joe Biden ankündigte die Unterstützung der USA für Saudi-Arabien einzustellen.[1][7]


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Präsident Obama said in March 2015 that he has authorized U.S. soldiers to give logistical and intelligence aid to the Saudis in their military action in Yemen, launching a "Joint Planning Cell" with Saudi Arabia.[8] This support involves aerial refueling, which allows coalition aircraft to spend more time over Yemen, and allowing some coalition members to home base aircraft instead of transferring them to Saudi Arabia.[9]

Am 13. Oktober 2016, the USS Nitze fired Tomahawk missiles against Houthi-controlled radar installations "in the Dhubab district of Taiz province, a remote area overlooking the Bab al-Mandab Straight known for fishing and smuggling."[10]


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The U.S. Navy has actively participated in the Saudi-led naval blockade,[11] which humanitarian organizations argue has been the main contributing factor to the outbreak of famine in Yemen.[12]

U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition was expanded during the presidency of Donald Trump, who "announced plans to increase training for the Saudi air force," and according to a 2020 report, "authorized $27.4B in U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia during his first three years in office." Trump's administrator's deal with Saudi Arabia included precision-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia and the upgrade of its F-15 aircraft, which U.S supplies.[2]

Trump vetoed a bipartisan bill in April 2019 that sought to stop U.S. backing for the Saudi-led military involvement[13] and the United States Senate failed to overturn the veto with 53 votes instead of the 67 required.[14]


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Am 4. Februar 2021 erklärte Biden declared a halt to U.S. backing for Saudi-led operations in Yemen.[15] Biden called in his first address as the U.S. president for the Yemen war to end,[16] saying that the war has "created a humanitarian and strategic catastrophe." Nonetheless, the humanitarian situation in Yemen has worsened in many ways since Biden took office, according to The Intercept.[1] U.S. has continued selling arms to the Saudi-led coalition.[3][4]

Secretary of State Antony Blinken withdrew the Houthis from a terror list issued by his predecessor, Mike Pompeo, in his final days, which the U.N. and many relief organizations had warned would have significant consequences for the almost 24 million Yemeni people who are living in Houthi-held territory. The Biden administration said that the lifting of the designation was primarily meant to "alleviate or at least not worsen the suffering of the Yemeni civilians who live under Houthi control," which was not effective according to the field visit by David Beasley, Executive Director of World Food Program, who "sounded the alarm" adding that one of the most serious consequences of the fuel shortage was widespread power outages at hospitals. When asked in January 2022 if he would consider the UAE's request that the U.S. re-designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization, Biden indicated the move was "under consideration."[1]

Saudi Arabia has reportedly remained the world's largest importer of U.S. arms since the war in Yemen began, with major imports increasing by 130 percent from 2015 to 2019 compared to the previous five-year period.[2] Saudi Arabia has been historically receiving security assistance from the U.S. since 1945 when Roosevelt met King Abdul Aziz and agreed a deal.[17] Restoring the UN-recognized government of Yemen and defending Saudi Arabia borders against possible Yemen-based Houthis are among the U.S. stated goals for assisting the Saudi led operations in Yemen.[18]

According to an Al Jazeera report, a motive for U.S. aid could be the diplomatic logic of lowering S.A.'s opposition to the Iranian nuclear deal by supporting them.[19] Another viewpoint held by certain U.S. military officers is that confronting Iran takes strategic priority over fighting Al-Qaeda and ISIL. According to press reports in 2015, many individuals in the US SOCOM embrace the Houthis because they have proven effective in combating al-Qaeda and ISIL, recently, "something that hundreds of U.S. drone strikes and large numbers of advisers to Yemen's military had failed to accomplish".[19]

According to the Brookings Institution, Biden's approach is "fatally flawed," considering that little has changed since Biden's promise to end U.S. support for the offensive operation in Yemen led by Saudi Arabia. Another flaw in Biden's approach stems from the fact that "he did not call for an immediate end to the Saudi blockade of Yemen." Brookings added that Biden not only did contribute to the humanitarian disaster, but he also "signaled" that the blockade was an acceptable condition for negotiation.[16]

Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told Aljazeera in 2021 that "the United States provides spare parts, munitions, technical assistance, all kinds of things to the Saudi military, which enable its offensive operations."[2]

Joe Biden has described the U.S. support for Saudi-led coalition as "Donald Trump’s 'blank check' for Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuses at home and abroad."[1] According to a March 2016 Human Rights Watch assessment, the U.S. involvement in certain military actions, including as target selection and aerial refueling during Saudi air raids "may make US forces jointly responsible for laws-of-war violations by coalition forces".[20] According to the Guardian reporting in September, one in every three bombing raids targeted civilian targets.[21]

Mohamad Bazzi contended in "The Nation" that Michael Mulroys defense of U.S. backing as necessary to limit civilian casualties was untrue and that "Saudi leaders and their allies have ignored American entreaties to minimize civilian casualties since the war's early days"; both Saudi Arabia and the United States can be considered to have committed laws-of-war violations.[22]

According to the Office of Inspector General report issued in August 2020, the State Department watchdog found that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared an emergency to facilitate the sale of arms worth billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan, in accordance with legal requirements. However, the report also found that the threats to civilian life in Yemen associated with the weaponry sale were not fully reviewed when the emergency was declared. Additionally, the study stated that the State Department's frequent authorization of arms sales to the Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, exceeded the limits of AECA.[23]


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  1. a b c d e Shuaib Almosawa: As U.S. Focuses on Ukraine, Yemen Starves. In: The Intercept. 16. März 2022, abgerufen am 2. April 2022 (englisch).
  2. a b c d e Joseph Stepansky: US ending aid to Saudi-led forces in Yemen, but questions persist. In: Aljazeera. Abgerufen am 3. April 2022 (englisch).
  3. a b Biden pledges US support against Houthi attacks to Saudi king. In: Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2022 (englisch).
  4. a b Annelle R. Sheline and Bruce Riedel: Biden’s broken promise on Yemen. In: Brookings. 16. September 2021, abgerufen am 14. Mai 2022 (englisch).
  5. a b Abdul-Aziz Oudah: Yemen observer. Archiviert vom Original am 21. November 2015; abgerufen am 18. November 2015 (englisch).
  6. Saudi Arabia Begins Air Assault in Yemen. In: The New York Times. 25. März 2015, abgerufen am 25. März 2015 (englisch).
  7. Biden Doubles Down on a Failed Yemen Policy. In: Human Rights Watch. 15. Februar 2022, abgerufen am 1. April 2022 (englisch).
  8. Saudi Arabia launches air attacks in Yemen. In: The Washington Post. 25. März 2015; (englisch).
  9. Akbar Shahid Ahmed: Obama Could End The Slaughter in Yemen Within Hours. In: HuffPost. 10. August 2016, abgerufen am 8. Oktober 2016 (englisch).
  10. Phil Stewart: U.S. military strikes Yemen after missile attacks on U.S. Navy ship. In: Reuters. 13. Oktober 2016, abgerufen am 17. Oktober 2016 (englisch).
  11. U.S. carrier moving off the coast of Yemen to block Iranian arms shipments. USA Today. 20. April 2015.
  12. Bethan McKernan: Battle rages in Yemen’s vital port as showdown looms. In: The Guardian. 7. November 2018, abgerufen am 7. November 2018 (englisch): „The port has been blockaded by the Saudi-led coalition for the past three years, a decision aid organizations say has been the main contributing factor to the famine that threatens to engulf half of Yemen’s 28 million population.“
  13. Ed Pilkington: Dismay as Trump vetoes bill to end US support for war in Yemen. In: The Guardian. 17. April 2019, abgerufen am 18. April 2019 (englisch).
  14. Karoun Demirjian, Missy Ryan: Senate fails to override Trump’s veto of resolution demanding end to U.S. involvement in Yemen war. In: The Washington Post. 2. Mai 2019, abgerufen am 4. Mai 2019 (englisch).
  15. Biden announces end to US support for Saudi-led offensive in Yemen. In: The Guardian. 4. Februar 2021, abgerufen am 6. Februar 2021 (englisch).
  16. a b Riedel R. Sheline, Bruce Riedel: Biden’s broken promise on Yemen. In: Brookings. 16. September 2021, abgerufen am 2. April 2022 (englisch).
  17. The Saudi-led War in Yemen: Frequently Asked Questions. In: Friends Committee On National Legislation. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2022 (englisch).
  18. U.S. Support for Saudi Military Operations in Yemen. In: Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2022 (englisch).
  19. a b Mark Perry: US generals: Saudi intervention in Yemen 'a bad idea'. Al Jazeera, 17. April 2015; (englisch).
  20. Yemen: Embargo Arms to Saudi Arabia. In: Human Rights Watch. 21. März 2016, abgerufen am 3. April 2022 (englisch).
  21. One in three Saudi air raids on Yemen hit civilian sites, data shows. In: the Guardian. 16. September 2016, abgerufen am 30. März 2022 (englisch).
  22. Mohamad Bazzi: Both Saudi Arabia and the United States Are Probably Guilty of War Crimes in Yemen. In: 17. Mai 2019; (englisch).
  23. Review of the Department of State’s Role in Arms Transfers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. In: Office of Inspector General. Abgerufen am 11. August 2020 (englisch).

Yemeni Civil War (2014–present)]] [[Category:Military intervention in Yemen]] [[Category:United States military aid]] [[Category:Saudi Arabia–United States military relations]] [[Category:United States–Yemen relations]]