Benutzer:Shi Annan/Miran Hladnik

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Miran Hladnik (born 19 December 1954) is a Slovenian literary historian, specializing in quantitative analysis of Slovene rural stories and in Slovene historical novel.

Miran Hladnik was born in Jesenice, People's Republic of Slovenia (then part of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia). He studied at the University of Ljubljana, where he graduated from comparative literature and Slovene language in 1978.

In 1984/1985, Hladnik spent the academic year at University of Kansas, United States, as Fulbright teaching assistant, teaching Slovene language at the university and also teaching the language in both Kansas City and Pittsburgh, to the local American Slovenes communities.

In 1988, Hladnik obtained his PhD at the University of Ljubljana with a thesis on Slovene rural story.

The 26 million words Slovene rural stories corpus is now part of FidaPLUS.

In 1989/1990, Hladnik spent the academic year at University of Göttingen, Germany, and again as Fulbright teaching assistant in 1994/1995 at University of Kansas. From 1989, he has taught at the University of Ljubljana.

In 1995 he started with the weekly e-news of Slavic languages and literature department, which was replaced by Slovlit, e-mailing-list based discussion forum in 1999. Hladnik has also adopted the web as his publishing platform and has been publishing his academic and teaching material under the Creative Commons license on Wikisource and Wikiversity, while encouraging his students and his colleagues to the same through various Wikiprojects. He was awarded the Primož Trubar Prize for exceptional merit in preserving the Slovenian written heritage in 2017, for his effort in digitization of Slovene texts and their analysis using modern computer tools.[1] In 2020 he obtained the Tone Pretnar Award, the honorary title Ambassador of Slovenian literature and language, for the founding and two decades of tireless moderation of Slovlit.[2] As of 2020 Slovlit is the central Slovenian information medium for the literary and Slovenian studies.[2]

Selected bibliography

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  1. a b [ |title=Trubarjevo priznanje letos Miranu Hladniku |trans-title=This year's Trubar Prize to Miran Hladnik |language=sl |date = 30 November 2017 |work=Delo |accessdate = 15 January 2019}}
  2. a b c Maja | last = Kač | title = Častni ambasador slovenske književnosti in jezika je Miran Hladnik | trans-title = The honorary ambassador of Slovenian literature and language is Miran Hladnik | language = sl |date= 7 May 2020 | work = Radiotelevizija Slovenija | url = | accessdate = 23 June 2020}}

{{SORTIERUNG:Hladnik, Miran}} [[Kategorie: [[Kategorie:Geboren 1954]] [[Kategorie:Gestorben ]] [[Kategorie:Mann]] {{Personendaten |NAME= Hladnik, Miran |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= |KURZBESCHREIBUNG= slowenischer Literaturhistoriker |GEBURTSDATUM= 1954 |GEBURTSORT= |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }} [[Category:Slovenian literary historians]] [[Category:University of Ljubljana alumni]] [[Category:Academic staff of the University of Ljubljana]] [[Category:Ethnic Slovene people]] [[Category:People from Jesenice, Jesenice]]