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Das princely houses of Hasar, Hachiun, and Temüge tended to coordinate with the five powerful clans: the Jalayir, Khunggirad, Ikires, Uruud, and Mangghud. They were usually led by princes from Temüge's house. At Arigh Bukha's rebellion, the three princely houses supported Khubilai (Genghis Khan's grandson) under leadership of Temüge's grandson, Ta'achar.

Among Hasarid princes, the third family head Yesüngge is probably the most famous. He was a son of Hasar and succeeded his brother Yegü. He is the hero of the Yesüngge Inscription (formerly known as the Genghis Stone). The princely house was succeeded by Yesüngge's son, Esen Emügen, and then Emügen's son, Shigdür. Although Shigdür joined the rebellion against Khubilai led by Temüge's great-great-grandson Nayan, the princely house survived without confusion. The sixth head, Babusha, was given the title of Qi Wang by Khayishan Külüg Khan in 1307. Sources show that Qasarid princes continued to hold the title even after the Yuan dynasty collapsed. Hasar's descendants were effective in other parts of Mongol Empire. It is also claimed that one Qasarid prince was killed in order to protect the last Great Khan Toghogan-Temur from Ming troops.

Togha Temür, a descendant of Hasar, was the last powerful claimant to the throne of the Ilkhanate in the mid-14th century. The family was known as the Hasar (Qasar) clan. With the death of Togha Temür at the hands of the Sarbadars of northern Khurasan in the mid-1300s, it is possible that the surviving members of the Hasar (Qasar) clan escaped into the mountains of what is today Afghanistan, where their descendants maintained their clan name of Hasar, which evolved over time into Hasara or Hazaras. As the Hazara people do not have a written history of their own, nothing can be proven, but this theory is more likely versus the theory that the name Hazara comes from the Persian word for "one thousand," which is actually, "hezar (hezār persisch هزار)." As these Il Khanate Mongols had converted to Shia Islam and married Persian-speaking Persian women, their children had been raised as Shia Muslims with a mixed Mongol-Persian characteristic. This explains the current culture of Hazaras people very well.

It is not clear what happened to Hasarid princes from the late Yuan dynasty to the middle 15th century because of the confusion caused by the collapse of the Yuan dynasty in China proper. Mongolian chronicles compiled from the 17th century to the early 18th century contain some records on Hasar's descendants but they are considered mostly unhistorical by historians. In particular, Altan Tobchi by Mergen Gegeen (not to be confused with Lubsandanjin's Altan Tobchi) exaggerated the influence of Hasarid princes as the author himself descended from Khasar. The Oirat ruler Esen Tayisi deported a body of the Horchin to Western Mongolia in 1446 and they became the Khoshuds.[1]

It is widely accepted that Hasar's descendant Bolunai was a historical figure since his existence is confirmed in contemporary Chinese sources of 1463, 1467, and 1470. Mongolian chronicles say that Bolunai's brother Unubold killed Muulihai of the Ongliud, a descendant of Genghis Khan's half brother Belgütei. Another famous story about Unubold tells that he proposed to Mandukhai Khatun, a widow of Manduulun Khan, but that she chose the Genghisid infant Batu Möngke (Dayan Khan) over him.

Bolunai led the Horchin Mongols. His descendants ruled the Horchin, Jalayid, Do'rbed, and Gorlos of the Jirim League, the Aru Khorchin of the Juu Uda League, and the Dörben Heühed, Muu Mingghan, and Urad of the Ulaanchab League in the Manchu-led Qing dynasty's administration. Among them, Horchin princes established matrimonial relationship with the imperial family of Aisin Gioro at the early stage of the Manchu rise to power, and held top-ranking princely titles (hošoi cin wang) throughout the Qing Dynasty. The Dorbeds in Heilongjiang province submitted to the Qing in 1624, and they were organized into a banner in Jirim league ruled by descendants of Hasar. The Gorlos banners were also ruled by descendants of Hasar.

  • Sugiyama Masaaki 杉山正明: Mongoru teikoku no genzō モンゴル帝国の原像, Mongoru teikoku to Daigen urusu モンゴル帝国と大元ウルス (The Mongol Empire and Dai-ön Ulus), pp. 28–61, 2004.
  • Sugiyama Masaaki 杉山正明: Babusha no reiji yori 八不沙の令旨より, Mongoru teikoku to Daigen urusu モンゴル帝国と大元ウルス (The Mongol Empire and Dai-ön Ulus), pp. 187–240, 2004.
  • Okada, Hidehiro 岡田英弘: The Descendants of Jöchi Khasar in Altan Tobchi of Mergen Gegen 墨爾根格根所撰『黄金史綱』中之拙赤合撒兒世系, Ya-chou tsu-p'u hsüeh-shu yen-t'ao-hui hui-i chi-lu 亞洲族譜學術研討會會議記錄, No.6, pp. 45–57, 1993.
  • Чулууны Далай - Монголын түүх 1260 - 1388. Хуудас 142.


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  1. C.P.Atwood-Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, p.310

{{SORTIERUNG: }} [[Kategorie: [[Kategorie:Geboren im 12. Jahrhundert]] [[Kategorie:Gestorben im 13. Jahrhundert]] [[Kategorie:Mann]] {{Personendaten |NAME= |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= Ž̌öči-Hasar, Хасар, Qasar, Qabutu Qasar, Khavt Khasar, Хавт Хасар, Hasa’er, 哈撒儿, Esu̇khėĭn Khasar, Khabt Khasar, Хабт Хасар, Jöchi Khasar |KURZBESCHREIBUNG= Bruder von Dschingis Khan, mongolischer General |GEBURTSDATUM= |GEBURTSORT= |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }} Borjigin]] [[Category:Year of birth missing]] [[Category:Year of death missing]] [[Category:Generals of the Mongol Empire]]