Benutzer Diskussion:Gravity Assist/Emil (Panzer)

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 6 Jahren von Tom in Abschnitt Nachweise
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Guten Tag. Auf Portal_Diskussion:Militär#Relevanzschwelle_für_Panzerprototypen_? wurde grundsätzlich die Relevanz für diesen Artikel positiv berurteilt.

Als erste Schritte sollten die Refs an die richtigen Stellen gebracht werden und der Artikel sprachlich so überarbeitet werden, das er flüssig lesbar ist. LG --Tom (Diskussion) 08:30, 7. Mär. 2018 (CET)Beantworten


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  • ziemlich schwierig mit brauchbarem Material. Einige Funde aus:

„Until then most tank development in Sweden had been carried out by Landsverk as Bofors was known primarily for artillery and naval ordnance. Bofors had built two armoured vehicles before the turretless tank contract, a 40 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun called the Lvkv 42 with adjustable suspension and a 120 mm assault gun that featured an automatic loader, neither vehicle was placed in production. The Swedish Army also cancelled development of the Landsverk Strv KRV ...“

„The Swedish Army also cancelled development of the Landsverk Strv KRV tank which was to have been armed with a 1 50 mm smooth-bore gun with an automatic loader. The two chassis already built were subsequently used in ... Development costs of the tank, which was subsequently named the Stridsvagn 103, or Strv 103, amounted to £8-4 million, including the two prototype vehicles and the ten pre-production vehicles. The first production Strv 103s were completed in 1966 and ...“

„Bofors had already done some work on both automatic loading systems and adjustable suspensions and they brought in Volvo, on the automotive side, and Landsverk on the running gear. Two mobile test rigs for the main components were made from prototypes of the Strv KRV tank, constructed by Landsverk, but cancelled by the Army, who preferred the prospect of the Bofors design. One test rig mounted a 20pdr as then fitted to Centurion, complete with mantlet. Even before the ...“

„ Swiss and Israeli Tanks During the decade preceding the Second World War the Swedish Landsverk company produced with the help of some German engineers a number of designs which were in the forefront of tank development. But as ... Landsverk then embarked on the development of a very avanced, 45 ton KRV battle tank which was to have a Bofors-designed turret with an automatically loaded 1 50mm smooth-bore gun. ... 2.14 Swedish S-tank, or Strv 103.“

„When it first appeared in 1961, the Swedish Strids- vagn 103 MBT, orS-Tank, represented a revolutionary concept in tank design; not only because it was turretless, but because the entire vehicle was so engineered as to provide both ... In 1957 Landsverk had produced two prototypes for the KRV medium tank (which was discontinued) and their chassis were used as test beds for the hydro-pneumatic suspension and hydrostatic steering system of the forthcoming S-Tank.“

„Development of a heavy tank (the KR V) armed with a 150-mm smooth-bore gun was started with Landsverk responsible for the chassis. Volvo for the ... At the same time development of the KRV was stopped. The first two ... but so certain was the Swedish army that the concept was sound that it had, in 1960, placed a pre-production order for a further 10 vehicles Total development costs of the Stridsvagn 103 tank, which is commonly known as the S-tank, was under £9 million. The first ...“

„Stridsvagn. 103. (S-tank). Main. Battle. Tank. gineers. The chassis is also used for the French version. The Type 90 MBT was developed to replace the Type 74; prototypes appeared in 1988 but production was delayed due to the usual financial restrictions and it is unlikely that the Type 74 will ... Development of a heavy tank (the KRV) armed with a 150-mm smooth-bore gun was started with Landsverk responsible for the chassis, Volvo for the powerpack and Bofors for the armament.“

Hoffe das es etwas weiter hilft. --Tom (Diskussion) 12:11, 8. Mär. 2018 (CET)Beantworten