Benutzerin:JakobVoss/Categories revisited

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Wikipedia categories revisited

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When categories where implemented there were a lot of ideas what should be. I warned - but I was wrong. Like Wikipedia categories evolved to something entirely new - what I call a collaborative Thesaurus

  • Basics of LIS
    • Basics of collaborative Tagging
    • Basics of Thesaurus
  • The "Problem" of "Hamburger Aalsuppe"
  • How categories are used
  • How categories are misued
  • Practise (bad results in usability, good to stop people from playing too much with categories ;-)
  • Tools (CatScan, CatIntersect, CoCat)
  • What it also can/could be
    • Qualifier
    • Pre- and postcoordination


  • Category redirects
  • Watching categories (additions, removals)
  • Hierarchical search and browsing
  • GUI for editing categories (study)

In there is a strict controlled facetted classification.