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https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/anti-war/ ist das einzige was ich extern über die Seite gefunden habe. Da ich aber mediabiasfactcheck genauso wenig kenne, traue ich mich nicht die Einschätzung Mitte-Rechts in den Artikel zu übernehmen.--Kabelschmidt (Diskussion) 13:12, 30. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

Hier zwei externe Quellen, die erste zum Gründer Justin Raimondo:
Michael Brendan Dougherty: Justin Raimondo, RIP. In: National Review. 28. Juni 2019:
His two great passions were preserving the memory of the pre–World War II American right, and his activist news portal, Antiwar.com, which has opposed every U.S. war and military intervention since its founding in 1995. [...] In his hatred of the “war party” he would embrace conspiracy theories and indulge any number of kooks.
Jeffrey Goldberg: Is the Term 'Israel-Firster' Anti-Semitic? In: The Atlantic. 19. Januar 2012:
By the early 2000s, one can find "Israel-firster" being used by a variety of anti-Semitic "right-wing" sources like DavidDuke.com and the Vanguard News Network. As the decade wore on, the phrase occasionally pops up in far left anti-Israel sites that have ties to the anti-Semitic far-right or are known for playing footsie with anti-Semitism, like Antiwar.com, Norman Finkelstein's website, and Indymedia.
--Jo1971 (Diskussion) 11:55, 9. Mär. 2024 (CET)Beantworten