Diskussion:Crispin Blunt

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Aufmerksam gemacht durch die aktuelle Presseberichterstattung sehe ich in diesen doch sehr mageren Artikel und stelle fest, dass zu diesem Politiker Einiges mehr zu sagenwäre. Ich zitiere einfach mal aus der englischsprachigen WP: "On 11 April 2022, after fellow MP Imran Ahmad Khan was found guilty of a child sex offence, Blunt issued a statement in defence of Ahmad Khan which criticised the verdict, describing it as an "international scandal, with dreadful wider implications for millions of LGBT+ Muslims around the world”. Blunt's intervention was strongly condemned, former Conservative MP Louise Mensch responded by calling for Blunt to be expelled from the party, and members of the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) on global LGBT+ affairs which was chaired by Blunt resigned in protest. Blunt later apologised for his comments and resigned as chair of the APPG." Man kann natürlich einfach auch im Guardian nachlesen. --Cabanero (Diskussion) 11:48, 12. Apr. 2022 (CEST)Beantworten