Diskussion:Norman I. Platnick

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Es ist schon verwunderlich, dass Platnicks umstrittene Äußerungen zu Darwins Evolutionstheorie nicht erwähnt werden. Ich zitiere aus Richard Dawkins "The Blind Watchmaker": "[...], G. Nelson and N. Platnick from the American Museum of Natural History in New York, have gone so far as to write that ’Darwinism . . . is, in short, a theory that has been put to the test and found false’. I should love to know what this ‘test’ is and, even more, I should love to know by what alternative theory Nelson and Platnick would explain the phenomena that Darwinism explains, especially adaptive complexity." (S. 283) Und, eine Seite später: "They have earned themselves a place of honour in fundamentalist, creationist literature."

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