Diskussion:ProCredit Holding

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Produkte: Mikrofinanzdienstleistungen, insbesondere Mikrokredite

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Produkte: Mikrofinanzdienstleistungen, insbesondere Mikrokredite (Kasten auf der rechten Seite)

Soweit ich die Homepage der Holding richtig lese hat sich ProCredit aus der Finanzierung von Mikrokrediten zurückgezogen und finanziert inzwischen ausschließlich kleinst, kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Sollte man vielleicht ändern, oder?

auf der Homepage heißt es hierzu: "Crises are always an opportunity to learn. Following 2008 we implemented a range of changes. We moved consciously beyond our original role as a product-oriented microfinance provider, instead positioning ourselves more clearly as the “house bank” for very small, small and medium-sized businesses. In many of our countries of operation, microfinance had been replaced by aggressive lending practices – especially consumer loans – leading systematically to overindebtedness among many borrowers. This represented the exact opposite of our approach to lending, which focuses on sustainability. Furthermore, the developments in the economies of many countries had altered the structure of the markets, leading to a decrease in the demand for genuine microenterprise loans." (http://www.procredit-holding.com/en/about-us/history-of-the-group.html) (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 12:15, 12. Jun. 2014 (CEST))Beantworten