Diskussion:Shock Therapy

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This idit was a class_A assshole who ripped off everyone he came in contact with. Glad he is dead... rest in eternal torment you evil, talentless sorry excuse for a human.

== -- 20:01, 6. == - 20:01, 6 Apr. 2010 (CEST) == Zu Itchy *Warum inhaftiert? Apr. 2010 (CEST) == For Itchy * Why imprisoned? => "The Detroit native, who called Germany his home, got involved in some unfortunate activity that placed him in the Michigan State prison system on a charge of arson of a dwelling. It was really just a bonfire in an alley, but an alleged parole violation placed him in prison for 1-20 years." => "The Detroit native, who called Germany his home, got Involved in some unfortunate activity did Placed him in the Michigan State prison system on a charge of arson of a dwelling. It was really just a bonfire in an alley, but on Alleged parole violation Placed him in prison for 1-20 years. " *Warum verstorben? * Why died? => "The lifeless body of this talented rock musician, whose band Shock Therapy was a popular group especially in Europe, was found in a field in Detroit last Wednesday, November 5. The Wayne County Coroner's office informed father Glenn McCormick that the body of his son Gregory, better known to all of us as Itchy, bore no signs of trauma. Glenn said that Itchy, who had been living at his father's dental lab in Detroit, had been drinking to excess for some time. While the toxicology report has not been released yet, the general consensus seems to be that he drank himself to death" :zum ersten Punkt : sviw. => "The lifeless body of this talented rock musician, Whose tape Shock Therapy was a popular group Especially in Europe, was found in a field in Detroit load-Wednesday, November 5 The Wayne County Coroner's office informed father Glenn McCormick did the body of his son Gregory, better known to all of us as Itchy, bore no signs of trauma. Glenn said that Itchy, who had been living at his father's dental lab in Detroit, had been drinking to excess for some time. While the toxicology report Has not been released yet, the general consensus Seems to be did he drank himself to death ": the first point: sviw. hat er den Muelleimer des Drogendealers angezuendet, der die Lebensgefaehrtin von Itchy auf dem Gewissen hatte. he has the dustbins of the drug dealer set on fire, had the life companion of Itchy on his conscience. Hier waere er dafuer moeglicherweise ueberhaupt nicht in den Knast gewandert. Here it would be possible for it legally not at all went to jail. -- 03:59, 3. - 03:59, 3 Nov. 2013 (CET) == Englischer Artikel gelöscht !? Nov. 2013 (CET) == English article deleted? == Ich glaub ja, es hackt. == I think yes, it chops. Sonst motzen wir Deutschen immer über WP:DE über Willkür der Admins und der "Löschbrigade", aber jetzt scheinen uns die englischen Kollegen mehr als nur Konkurrenz zu machen. Otherwise we always grumble Germans WP: DE to make about arbitrariness of the Admins group and the "delete Brigade", but now seem to us the English colleagues more than just competition. Guckstu: en:Shock Therapy (band) GELÖSCHT! Guckstu: en: Shock Therapy (band) DELETED! "Non-notable band". "Non-notable band". Aha, mit 15 Alben ist man "non-notable"? Aha, with 15 albums one is "non-notable"? Ist mir auch neu. Is also new to me. Mannomann... Oh man ... -andy 02:42, 27. -Andy 02:42, 27 Jun. 2011 (CEST) :In Bonn werden sich noch viele an die Auftritte erinnern, auch wenn man mal im Internet nach den Video-Comments sieht, wird klar, dass die Band kaum in Vergessenheit geraten wird. Jun. 2011 (CEST): will still recall the many appearances, even if you see the web for the video Comments times, it is clear that the band is hardly forgotten in Bonn. Ich war gerade noch in Urlaub und hatte unter Anderem eine ST-CD im Auto, um mir die lange Fahrt angenehmer zu machen. I was just on vacation and had among other things an ST CD in your car to make me the long ride more enjoyable. Ich denke, der gestoerte Aussie mochte einfach die Musik nicht und hat's deshalb geloescht. I think the Aussie perturbed simply did not like the music and brought it therefore deleted. Und Du hast natuerlich Recht, sowas ist eigentlich ein Privileg der deutschen Gedankenpolizei hier in der WP. And you are of course right, something is actually a privilege of German thought police here in the WP. Gluecklicherweise sind das auch hier nur einige wenige, die reichen aber leider, um den Ruf der de.WP so zu versauen, dass sich Leute inzwischen Alternativen dafuer eingerichtet haben (zB Pluspedia, Deletionpedia). Fortunately, these are just a few here, but, I am afraid to answer the call of de.WP to screw up so that people have now set up alternatives for it (eg Pluspedia, Deletionpedia). Vielleicht gibt es vergleichbares ja auch auf Englisch? Perhaps there is indeed comparable in English? -- 03:51, 3. - 03:51, 3 Nov. 2013 (CET) Nov. 2013 (CET)

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