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Diese Vorlage ist zunächst auf Englisch dokumentiert, um sie in andere Wikipedias übernehmen zu können. Eine Deutsche Beschreibung folgt noch. Weiteres Siehe unter Vorlage:Kategorienmapping.

This template creates a link to a concept in a simple knowledge organization system. You can link via its URI (id) its notation (notation) or its preferred label (label). The link is shown as

prefix type notation | label | id [label] postfix

with notation | label | id linking to an URL that is build of the base, an id | notation | label appended to it, and optionally a suffix. The label after the link is only shown if both notation and label are given. If none of the three parameters is given, no output is returned.

Parameter Meaning
id concept identifier
notation notation of the concept
label label or caption of the concept
type link type (<: narrower match, >: broader match, ~: close match, default: exact match)
base URL base
suffix URL suffix
prefix fixed string that is prepended
postfix fixed string that is appended

The following table shows all relevant combinations of parameters. If no base parameter is given, id should be a linkeable URL. If there is a base, the appended id|notation|label is URL-encoded because usually it is a query parameter.

parameter result
type label notation id
test ABC 1/2 ABC test
test ABC ABC test
test 1/2 test
1/2 1/2
test test
> test test
without base
test ABC 1/2 ABC test
test ABC ABC test
test 1/2 test
test test