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  • Benjamin Kaufman, M.D.
  • Chairman of the Board von NARTH

„I complained to my medical society, and was subsequently named to a position where I could do some good--Chairman of the Task Force on AIDS Policy for the Medical Society of the City and County of Sacramento. Getting into the spirit of things and wanting to be absolutely fair, I included two individuals on the Task Force who were gay. They were the most active individuals on the entire committee. Unfortunately, however, they fought me tooth-and-nail on all my recommendations. [...] I personally have always wanted the widest possible use of HIV testing, regardless of the circumstances. At any time in a medical setting where blood and body fluids are exposed, I wanted the health-care provider to be able to order testing. Formal written consent of the patient should not be required, and neither should confidentiality always be necessary. I also strongly favored a policy of reporting HIV-positivity without the presence of full-blown AIDS.“

Benjamin Kaufman: In Defense of the Need for Honest Dialogue, 19. September 2004,

„Because of their claim to victimhood--as victims of both social discrimination and a health crisis--gay activism has made tremendous strides through the ravages of the AIDS epidemic. Activists have been able to win support for measures that overhaul school curricula, housing laws, employment, and even religious doctrine.“

Benjamin Kaufman: In Defense of the Need for Honest Dialogue, 19. September 2004,

„As mental-health professionals, we need a full and complete understanding of homosexuality. To understand anything about the AIDS epidemic, and the underlying psychological factors causing the spread of the disease, we must fully understand the homosexual condition and the factors which drive this self-destructive behavior. This will require much dialogue, and as I soon discovered, there is a lot of resistance to such an open discussion.“

Benjamin Kaufman: In Defense of the Need for Honest Dialogue, 19. September 2004,

„In recent years, religious groups have been the only organizations which have had the courage to undertake this kind of discussion, but they have not been assisted in any way by psychiatric professionals. And so NARTH was founded; it became clear that we must have a credible secular organization which could move beyond the strife and misinformation.“

Benjamin Kaufman: In Defense of the Need for Honest Dialogue, 19. September 2004,

„Regardless of politics, homosexuality is what it is: a behavioral pattern associated with what, by any reasonable standard, must be regarded as an unacceptable prevalence of medical and emotional illness.“

Benjamin Kaufman: zitiert nach Daniel S. Gonzales: Letter to the editor, Mustang Daily, 6. Juni 2002