Benutzer Diskussion:Francois Ceysson

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 17 Jahren von EvaK in Abschnitt Not neutral
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Hallo Francois Ceysson,

ich habe gesehen, dass du vor kurzem angefangen hast, dich an der Wikipedia zu beteiligen. Weil deine Benutzerseite aber noch leer ist, möchte ich dich kurz begrüßen.

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Ein Tipp für deinen Einstieg in die Wikipedia: Sei mutig, aber respektiere die Leistungen anderer Benutzer! Herzlich willkommen! --19:42, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)

Francois, in responding to your post on my site: I am the wrong person to speak with. I just indicated that it's a copyright problem with the article. Please follow the instruction on the traffic-holder that replaces the article. (to be honest, I'm doubting your success if you're not speaking any German). All the best, anyway --FatmanDan 19:46, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

Claude Viallat

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Your article is a copyright infringement as it comes from a website that is under copyright. If you don't speak German please read about copyright terms in English or French Wikipedia. My point is that you should avoid to add articles to Wikipedias in a language you don't understand. --Eva K. Post 19:54, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

Please also care for the neutral point of view. Your German article is not neutral. --Eva K. Post 20:26, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

Claude Viallat

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Yes i understand, But my point is : Today was internet day for me, a few update on my website and a few update on my artists websites. I certainly shouldn't post in a language i don't understand but the fact is i've paid someone to translate a text from french to german. So why not try to post it to wikipedia? After all it's rather good if someone want to reuse this text! i think it is as good for me as for wikipedia (usually quality authors are expensive and translation is as well). So wikipedia want to make books as well? so we gave you a goog text enjoy!

But what i can't understand why you just erase it so quick before asking me where this text come from and if i'm the owner of the rights (before giving them up to wikipedia!). If I'd had stolen them. WHY WOULD I PUT THE LINK IN THE ARTICLE? Sorry not to be very polite but do you think that in my 16 hours of work a day, sometimes i just take a break and goes "let's still some text from a french artist website and post it to de.wikipedia, yeah that's terrorism! Francois Ceysson 20:39, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

You wrote this article as IP and not as registered user. So my experience said that someone who is unacquainted with WP wanted to do something good (I try to asume good faith) without knowing much about copyright. Many people don't know anything about copyright and some even don't care about. They have no problems to add the link of their source to the article, that's daily business here.
That we erase such articles quickly has do do with protection of Wikipedia, its authors and the possible users of the article from law suits due to copyright infringement.
The article itself isn't that god for an encyclopedia because it's not neutral enough. I posted a link to French WP above concernig this. If we decide that the artist is relevant for German WP it would be better for us if someone will translate the English or French article into German. I could help with English. Take it as a bridge. --Eva K. Post 20:43, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

Not neutral

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

"Your German article is not neutral" ok so you just don't want me to post it here. Let just post his birthday and some few facts like he's a painter and lives in Nîmes maybe someonelse will complete. That's a shame this text was made by my father and i thought it would be a nice contribution.Francois Ceysson 20:39, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

Please understand that „not neutral“ does not necessarily mean that the text is bad. But Wikipedians have to avoid any kind of commendation, certain adjectives and formulations which are all okay for a personal or business website but not for an encyclopedic article. --Eva K. Post 20:53, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

Please stop working on the article!
We first have to clear its history so that nobody will be able to recover the copyrighted version. Then we create a new article with a clean history. --Eva K. Post 21:02, 26. Dez. 2006 (CET)Beantworten

ok i let you do it even if it's difficult to be neutral with one of the most exported french contemporary artist (with Pierre Soulages and Daniel Buren)

but again : There's no such thing as a copyrighted version of this text, we've written it as well as we took the picture. we are Art dealers and Publishers of our artists and for some we're agents (including Viallat Saytour or Dezeuze) that means we regularly check the web or books for... copyrights violation. we also organize exhibition like this one did you see this this page