Benutzer Diskussion:Subtropical-man

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Letzter Kommentar: vor 9 Jahren von Christiansen, Carol in Abschnitt Let's try a restart
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Herzlich willkommen in der Wikipedia, Subtropical-man!

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Ich habe gesehen, dass du dich kürzlich hier angemeldet hast, und möchte dir ein paar Tipps geben, damit du dich in der Wikipedia möglichst schnell zurechtfindest:

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Schön, dass du zu uns gestoßen bist – und: Lass dich nicht stressen.

Einen guten Start wünscht dir Stubenviech (Diskussion) 22:41, 24. Aug. 2014 (CEST)Beantworten

Hallo und willkommen bei Wikipedia!

Wie du gesehen hast, kann man Wikipedia frei bearbeiten. Tastaturtests, unbegründete Löschungen, Werbung, Urheberrechtsverletzungen oder andere Unsinnsbeiträge werden jedoch nicht gern gesehen. Benutze bitte für Experimente die Testseite.
Wie du konstruktiv mitarbeiten kannst, erfährst du auf der Seite Starthilfe.

Grüße, CC 21:12, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

An additional hint: You will not get an answer on VM, if the case is finished (wich is marked as "erl.", wich means "erledigt" = "finished"). All you could get is 2 hours. I would stop that, if I were you. --CC 22:55, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

Da die VM

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erledigt war, bitte editiere dort nicht mehr. Spreche den Admin wenn nötig auf seiner Diskussionsseite an. Ich denke, dass du es nicht böse gemeint hast, jedoch war dein Edit nicht hilfreich. Die verschiedenen Sprachversionen der Wikipedia haben unterschiedliche Regeln und da würde ich dir dringend raten zu beachten, dass die Regeln auf dewiki anders sind als auf enwiki. Ja, ich schreibe dir auf deutsch. Wenn du hier ernsthaft mitarbeiten möchtest, ist das die Grundvoraussetzung. Ich kann auch nicht auf deutsch die enwiki bearbeiten. --Itti 22:56, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

Let's try a restart

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OK, I would like to try a restart. Please try to explain me, why you do things like moving articles you don't know about and why you try to write in a language you don't speak well? You seem to translate even discussion threads by Google translator. Isn't that a bad idea in your own mind? --CC 23:09, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

@Christiansen, Carol: I still think that the move of the article from Blue Hole (Gozo) to Blue Hole (Malta) was good. New name is consistent with the standards of Wikipedia and also there is the example: Blue Hole (Ägypten). Name of article of Blue Hole (country) is good. So. When it comes to trying to enter the word of "Malta" to the article, I thought that it is correct. I admit that I do not know German grammar, it was easy and fast editing, I thought that it is correct. Subtropical-man (Diskussion) 23:25, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
It is not consistent, for there has been a "Blue Hole" on the island of Malta, too, so we do not use that Lemma for the Blue Hole of Gozo, a different island in the archipel of Malta. If you don't know what you are doing, don't do. OK? "I think it was right" is a very bad advisor. --CC 23:31, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
In addition: I know, that German is a hard to learn language. Even Babelfish doesn't work good, and Google does good work in normal cases. So, please, dont't try something you can't handle. That has to go wrong. OK? --CC 23:35, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
On Malta exist only one Blue Hole. Malta is country. Name of Blue Hole (Malta) is the same type of name than Blue Hole (Ägypten) - Blue Hole (country).
...and my edit
"Das Blue Hole ist ein kleiner mariner See in Malta, an der Westküste der Insel Gozo auf Höhe des Ortes San Lawrenz"
is equivalent for English:
"The Blue Hole is a small marine lake in Malta, on the west coast of the island of Gozo, near San Lawrenz"
...when word of Malta is wikilink to Malta (country, of course). I do not know why this edition was bad. Subtropical-man (Diskussion) 23:35, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
You are wrong. "Malta" is the name of a country of three islands: Malta, the main island, Gozo, and Comino. So "Malta" could address both, the Country and the island. The "Blue Hole" is on Gozo. This is plain. And "in Malta" is not possible in german grammar to be used with an island or an archipel. It would mean it was a "Blue Hole" somewhere under the ground (and even that were very bad style). OK? --CC 23:41, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
The name of article is not "Blue Hole (Malta Insel)" - article about island is Malta (Insel), article about country is simply: Malta, so, name suggests a country. But - ok. Subtropical-man (Diskussion) 23:43, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
In addition: There was a "Blue Hole" on the island of Malta, too. It doesn't exist nowaday any more; it burst in 1840 or so; I saw it's remainings. So it is possible that we get an article some day about that "Blue Hole". And this is, in addition to my first explanation, a reason, not to move the Gozo-article to the Malta-lemma. OK? --CC 23:47, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
"name suggests a country" - no. In fact, most of Germans don't even know that there is a difference between Malta, the island, and Malta, the country, and even Malta, the archipel. --CC 23:49, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
Ok. Subtropical-man (Diskussion) 23:53, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
In addition: In German we normaly don't add somthing like "Insel" to a name, that belongs to an island. We say "Sylt" instead of "Insel Sylt", we say "Fehmarn" instead of "Insel Fehmarn", we say "Malta" instead of "Insel Malta". And even this rule has exceptions; e.g., we don't say "Poel", but "Insel Poel". --CC 23:57, 6. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten